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Validating the Power of Righteous Thought

June 11, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net, May 27) I am a schoolteacher. Because of my determination in practicing Falun Dafa, the police have detained me six times. School authorities have detained me three times. I was fined more than 20,000 Yuan*. During my detention they subjected me to brainwashing and torture. In the cold of winter, with temperatures of minus 9 degrees Celsius (16 degree F), the police guards forced me to stand outdoors for two days and one night, while barefoot and wearing only a sweater. They poured boiling water on my head, threw punches at my mouth, stomped their heavy boots on my toes and shocked me with electric batons. After all these tortures, they even had the gall to charge my family 3,000 Yuan!!!

Despite repeated detention, I never stopped clarifying the truth to people. In 2002, city police officers escalated the persecution against Dafa practitioners. Large financial rewards were promised for the arrest of practitioners who distributed truth-clarifying literature. I was arrested during my truth-clarifying effort and sent to a detention center. Five other practitioners were also being detained there. All had already been forced to leave their homes.

We encouraged each other. I said that we are practitioners during the Fa-rectification period. We had to rectify the Fa wherever we go. I recited one paragraph of Master's article "Path":

"Dafa disciples are now right in the midst of the Fa-rectification period, and the old forces' performance has formed the most fundamental and most severe test of Dafa disciples. Whether the test can be passed is an actualization of Dafa and of whether every Dafa disciple can be responsible to himself. And whether a person can, while breaking and eliminating the evil, step forward to validate Dafa becomes a testament about [letting go of] life and death, becomes confirmation of whether a Fa-rectification disciple can achieve Consummation, and also becomes what differentiates a God from a human." (Essential for Further Advancement II)

Afterward, we recited Master's articles "Expounding on the Fa" "Fa-rectification Period Dafa Disciples," Hong Yin (the collection of Master's poems), and others.

We sat down together and erected our right hands to eliminate the evil factors behind those who slandered Dafa. After that, nobody dared to badmouth Dafa in front of us. Soon the atmosphere became relaxed. We did a group practice. A prison guard tried to stop us. I said, "Didn't you arrest us because we practice? No one here promised not to practice!" I also sent forth the righteous thought simultaneously. The guard left without a word. We all experienced the mighty power of righteous thought.

I decided to go on a hunger strike to protest the evil persecution. The other practitioners didn't join me right away, so I went ahead by myself. During the hunger strike I didn't lie down in bed. I continued to practice Dafa exercises and share experience with others. One guard wanted to talk, so I started to tell him the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. He seemed to understand some of it. In the past, the guards would begin force-feeding after the fourth day into the hunger strike. I was on my seventh day already, but the guards did not intervene, just watched from a distance. Master said,

"Indestructible righteous faith in the cosmos's Truth forms benevolent Dafa disciples' rock-solid, Diamond-Like Bodies, it frightens all evil, and the light of Truth it emanates makes the unrighteous elements in all beings' thoughts disintegrate. However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is. " ( "Also in a few words" Essential for Further Advancement II)

On the eighth day I realized that I must not stay here any longer. I had to leave this place. So I stayed in bed to force them to make a move.

They began to force-feed me. I shouted at the top of my voice, "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa! Help me, Master!"

They tied me to the bed. With my mouth open and shouting, they could not insert the tube. After several attempts, the doctor was exhausted. A guard grabbed my lower jaw and forced the tube into my throat. As they pump the fluid into my stomach I began to vomit. Everything in my stomach was vomited out. My body reacted with severe discomfort. At this moment, Master's words came to my mind,

"It all depends on how you cultivate yourself. And whether you can cultivate, that all depends on whether you can endure, whether you can make sacrifices, and whether you can take the hardship. If you're able to steel your will, no difficulty can block you, and I'd say it'll be no problem. "( Zhuan Falun,2003)

I silently told Master, "Master, please test me as much as possible, I can endure it."

In the evening of the ninth day, an inmate called in an army doctor. After the blood pressure test, he hurried out and called my family to pick me up. When my son arrived, he saw quite a few police officers and doctors standing there. He thought, "Mom might have been dead." When the inmates carried me from the bed, the doctor said, "Slow down, her blood pressure is too high." My son carried me on his back and walked out. The guards called my name and asked me to open my eyes. Apparently, they wanted to show that I was alive, so if something happened to me later, they would not be liable.

Just like this I was released unconditionally. In nine days, I didn't eat or drink water. I did not even rinse my mouth. The power of Dafa really amazes people. The next day I went to fellow practitioners' homes to let them rest assured and began to clarify the truth and offer salvation to sentient beings again.

One month later, school officials and police abducted me from home to a detention center. They accused me of having instigated other practitioners to go on a hunger strike and one person died. The rest of them are in critical condition. Two out of town practitioners refused to give their names. Fearing that they might die in custody, the police sent them out the door and left them unattended on the street. They put handcuffs on me and carried me to a car. I only had a blouse on and did not even wear shoes. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good! The police are kidnapping innocent people!" Many people on the street witnessed their brutality.

The following day I was sent to a labor camp. I told myself, "I am Master's disciple. Master's Fashen would protect me. What the evil said doesn't count. I remained calm.

During a physical examination at the labor camp, a doctor found my blood pressure to be very high, so she injected me with some medicine. During the physical I refused to walk. In addition, I sent forth a thought, "they are not strong enough to carry me." Sure enough, six of them together still couldn't move me. They said, "Her Master must have helped her." Because of my severe symptoms, the labor camp refused to enroll me. An official from my school said, "We will pay you to keep her." I thought, "Master, please help me. Their money has no use." The camp turned down the offer and turned me away. My school official finally gave up, "Go back. There is nothing we can do."

My school decided to send me to a brainwashing center. I remained calm and recited Master's article,

"Even if a Dafa cultivator truly casts off his human skin during the persecution, what awaits him is still Consummation. At the same time, no attachment or fear could possibly enable you to reach Consummation. And any attachment of fear is itself a barrier that prevents you from reaching Consummation, and is also a factor in your being 'reformed' toward the evil side and in your betrayal." ( "Dafa is Indestructible" Essential for Further Advancement II)

In the evening, someone came to the brainwashing class. I asked, "Where are we?" He said, "This is a public security and law school and also a most vicious place. It has a water dungeon and an electric cell, the tiger bench, drugs and hot pepper powder for torturing practitioners." I said, "My Master said,

'You should know that once a person learns the truth and the real meaning of life, he will not regret giving up his life for it.' ("Some Thoughts of Mine" Essential for Further Advancement II)

"The reason I clarified truth to you is to save you. You are fooled. Once you understand the truth, you still have a chance." I kept talking and talking. At last, he said he could not hear any more and left.

My school later called my son and ordered him to pay a 5,000 Yuan "Brainwashing Fee." My son was furious and told them, "We have already paid 20,000 Yuan. I don't have the money now. I don't care if you keep my mom." Then he hung up the phone. My school called again shortly after to ask my son to take me home. The school sent me home by car.

Ever since then, they never dared to touch me again. I rejoined the Fa-rectification effort. Master said, "...those so-called evil beings are in fact nothing." ( "The Effect of Righteous Thoughts" Essential for Further Advancement II) My experiences show that it is indeed this way.

*Yuan is Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.