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A Practitioner's Pure Benevolent Behavior Helps People Understand the Truth About Falun Dafa

June 11, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net May 28, 2003)

In a town in the south of China, I met a practitioner who is innocent, simple, trust-worthy, kind, and quiet, without much education, and has rock-solid faith in Dafa. Many touching things have happened to him.

When he began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996, he was very determined. Shortly after he obtained the Fa, while he was riding on a bus, suddenly several men boarded, one of whom went straight to him and slapped his face. He immediately remembered what Master had said: as a practitioner, the first thing he must be able to do is "not to fight back when you are beaten or sworn at" (Zhuan Falun). He calmly looked at the man who had hit him. The men saw him not responding, walked through the bus, and then left. The driver said: "Those men were thieves." Due to his calm, innocent, and peaceful mind, they were restrained and could not do any bad deeds.

Once, he went to Chen Du to get some imported goods. A vendor gave him an extra 600 Yuan worth of goods [600 Yuan is about the average monthly income for an urban worker in China]. He did not realize this until he was at the train station, about to board. Straight away, he returned to give back the extra goods, and because he did so, he missed the train, which as it turns out, was involved in an accident. Another time he was undercharged by 300 Yuan. When he gave the extra money to the vendor later, the vendor had forgotten, since he had lost the bill. The practitioner helped the vendor remember the situation, and insisted on giving him the 300 Yuan.

At home, his neighbor had used a field for decades that had actually been assigned to the practitioners' family. He said, "If you want it, then it is yours."

Once, when he was in a hurry to tidy up his booth at the market, he accidentally knocked a candy package from a neighboring booth onto the ground, upsetting the owner. He offered to buy the package of candy. The owner said, "No. Pay me 100-Yuan as a fine."

The practitioner responded, "All right, I will give you 100-Yuan." The owner then said, "You need to give 1000-Yuan as a fine."

"I do not have that much money right now," he calmly said, "but once I collect enough money, could I give it to you later?" His kind and peaceful heart touched that man. The man then didn't want a single penny and said, "Someone like you is hard to find. Let us be friends." So the two of them became very good friends, and the man had a chance to learn about Falun Dafa.

This practitioner followed all of Master's teachings. These seemingly small, unimportant events helped him to solidly cultivate his xinxing, establishing for him a solid foundation for validating the Fa during the Fa rectification. Anyone who has had the opportunity to meet him can feel the wonder of Falun Dafa from his serene mind set, moving actions, and simple honesty.

He once met several people on a bus who were talking about Dafa but were clearly deceived by lies. He then told them the truth about Dafa and the changes in himself, as well as his family after practicing Dafa. He told them how he used to smoke, drink, was addicted to gambling, and had a bad temper, and how Dafa changed him and his family members. The passengers were all very impressed. One of them said, "I want to learn Falun Gong."

After July 20th, 1999, when Chinese government began to persecute Falun Dafa, he used his righteous thoughts and righteous actions to encourage and influence other practitioners. He clarified the truth without fear or retreat. He handed out fliers and put up banners. As long as it helped people learn the truth, no matter how tiring or how difficult, he was always happy. He alone was often responsible for truth-clarifying materials for several towns. He got up early in the morning and returned after dark. Coming and going in the wind and rain, he rode a bike over city streets and country roads, while in the meantime still performing heavy and busy farm and house work. Sometimes he only slept two or three hours, and endured many sleepless nights and much hardship. In this way, he just quietly did all things that a Dafa disciple should do. With strong righteous thoughts, many tribulations were melted away and the arrangements by the old forces were rejected. When he posted truth-clarifying materials, as long as he felt the need, he would post it there, such as on a wall, on a street pole, on the bus, even on a police car he walked by while a nearby policeman somehow did not see him. He carried out Fa rectification work following his wishes. Once when he noticed a banner slandering Dafa on a very high electric pole, he had a thought: it must be destroyed. That night, with his tools, he went to the electric pole. The banner was too high and he could not reach it. In his heart he thought: it would be nice to have a stool. Turning around, he found that there was a stool not too far away. He brought it to the pole and found it to be just perfect. He took down the banner, and burned it right on the spot.

He also encountered several alarming incidents, yet he was in no danger. Once he was riding a motorcycle uphill to a practitioner's house. Suddenly, there was a large bus speeding down in the opposite direction. The bus hit him and knocked him down to the ground. All the passengers on the bus were shocked. The driver stopped the bus and came down to ask, "How do you feel? Let's go to the hospital to check you out." The practitioner said, "No problem." He then told everyone he practiced Falun Gong. The driver was very moved: "Falun Gong is great! Falun Gong practitioners are great!" The practitioner felt fortunate that he had encountered such wonderful people!

Another time, his son was driving a small truck, and crashed into a giant Dongfeng Truck [a well-known large-sized truck made in China]. The smaller vehicle was damaged and his son was hurt. Everyone around said that the driver of the large truck should pay a fine for this. When the police chief arrived, the practitioner said, "That person did not do this on purpose. Just repair the truck. My son will be all right. No need to pay a fine." The driver was very thankful. When the police chief saw this touching scene, he said: "This man is a very kind man, only thinking of others without even a bit of selfishness." The practitioner told the crowd: "Everyone who practices Falun Gong does such things, thanks to the Dafa that Master has taught us."

He would often set up a booth as an opportunity to communicate with other practitioners, so they could encourage each other and make progress together. He uses his time at the booth to read Dafa materials. When someone asks, he tells him the facts. Predestined people also come to ask for truth-clarifying materials. Everywhere he goes turns into a stage for him to clarify the truth. Once, a local police officer called him in to persuade him to stop practicing. The practitioner said with dignity to the officer, "Such a precious Way, one would not encounter within thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years. One should only feel regret if he cannot obtain the Way! Master teaches us to be good people and truly leads us to cultivate toward higher levels." He also told the police officer the changes that happened to him, his father, and other family members. From then on, the officer greeted him warm-heartedly whenever seeing him. In this way, so many people whom he met, whether they knew him or not, got to know the truth, got to know Dafa, and therefore were saved. His words were few, not splendid, but were capable of touching people's hearts. I can feel his heart shining like gold, as well as his compassion and righteous thoughts, from cultivating Dafa.