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Summary of Other Articles and News - 6/7/2003

June 11, 2003


Featured Articles

On June 1, 2003, eight Falun Dafa Associations in Europe collectively wrote to President Bush of the United States, appealing to rescue American citizen Dr. Charles Li and asking the president to "act immediately" to stop the inhuman treatments toward Dr. Li.

Media Coverage

Reference Material: "Two Systems" has become "One System." What would Hong Kong be like after the implementation of Article 23? Article 23 is the weapon defending one party dictatorship. The implementation of Article 23 is to hang a sword on a hair over the head of the six million people in Hong Kong. It is to remind people in Hong Kong the power of the one party dictatorship. The implementation of Article 23 means the legal establishment of one party dictatorship in Hong Kong, and that Hong Kong follows the rules of Mainland by law, as well as the destruction of "One Country, Two Systems" by law.

Facts of the Persecution

The Qingling Detention Center of Wuchang District in Wuhan City, Hubei Province is one of the most brutal dens persecuting Falun Gong. The vicious guards insult Falun Gong practitioners by body searching, etc. They order the head of the criminals to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners protest by hunger striking, and they are beaten, fettered to boards, forced to lie on a bed with four limbs chained, and force-fed with concentrated salt water and boiling milk. Moreover, during force-feeding the prison doctors pull the feeding tube in and out on purpose. Practitioners' throats are damaged, but the doctors claim that it is for "saving lives."

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

There is a fellow practitioner with her mind focused on saving sentient beings that are misled by lies. Wherever she goes, she continuously tells the truth to every one with predestined relationship around her with the great compassion and tolerance of a Dafa disciple. She doesn't leave out any one with whom she comes in contact. She does not wait or depend on others, and never depends on the changes in external factors. She studies the Fa well. With Master's support and the guidance of Master's Fashen (law body) she is proactive in looking for people with predestined relationships. Everyday she is well dressed and she shows the spirit of a Dafa disciple in her speech and behavior. Over the past several years she has encountered thousands of people and most of them understand the truth to various degree. Some of them even join the Fa-rectification path of cultivation.

Truth and People's Mind

1) Tian Lirong from Huanggu District of Shenyang City in Liaoning betrayed her belief and became a key member in helping the evil to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. She often guided the police cars to arrest Falun Gong practitioners. She was paid about 1,000 Yuan a month by the "610 Office." She received retribution for her evil deeds. In 2002 she sprained her waist. She put on a plaster to relieve the pain, but her waist still got rotten. Under her influence and brainwashing, her daughter Zheng Xiaojing also gave up cultivation. In April 2003, when Zheng Xiaojing returned from her honeymoon, both she and her husband died suddenly.

2) Zhao Lijun from the Gaoyang Detention Center of Baoding City, Hebei Province is a criminal for drug addiction. He beat Falun Gong practitioners many times. In the spring of 2002 he received just retribution. One of his arms became swollen and he could not take care of himself. A hospital medical examination showed no signs of illness, but to this day he still cannot raise his arm.