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Montreal: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Forum in Chinatown to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang (Photo)

June 11, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) To support the lawsuit against Jiang, on June 6, practitioners in Montreal Canada rallied in Zhongshan Park in Chinatown to practice the exercises, send forth righteous thoughts and organize a forum to expose the evil persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. It called upon all people of the world to unite and bring Jiang to justice, in the court of conscience, the court of morality and the court of law.

Montreal's Chinatown is a tourist attraction, so every summer there are many visitors. During the day's activities, many people stopped to watch the Falun Gong exercises and sending forth righteous thoughts. The benches and walkways were full of visitors watching the activities. Over 1200 flyers about the lawsuit against Jiang and introductory information about Falun Dafa were soon passed out.

When the forum started, a Falun Gong practitioner read an announcement of "In the Court of Morality, in the court of Conscience, in the Court of Law, Bring Jiang to Justice" to support the lawsuit filed in United States and ask kind people of the world to unite against the evil.

Exposing the crimes committed by Jiang

The local Falun Gong practitioners talked about their experiences of being persecuted by Jiang's Regime such as being kidnapped and force-fed in China, being arrested while appealing to the government in China, not being allowed to visit relatives in China or being detained while in China. Some even experienced interference while attending local community activities, with Jiang's persecution extending even to Montreal. In a local lawsuit, lured by interest from Jiang's Regime, Montreal local Chinese newspaper Les Presses Chinoises' published a series of articles using disgusting words to defame Falun Dafa and Falun Gong practitioners and inciting hate against Falun Gong practitioners.

At the forum, Falun Gong practitioners also exposed the truth of the persecution their relatives experience in China. Painter Li Jingyu's younger brother Li Chun was detained again recently in Shanghai because of practicing Falun Gong. Former resident of Montreal, Ms. Huang from Victoria told the audiences how her brother Huang Jiangang was detained in a brainwashing center in Nanjing shortly after being released from illegal detention in a forced labor camp. Many relatives who don't practice Falun Gong are also harassed by Jiang's Regime. Some of them had telephones tapped, mail opened, and mail from overseas seized. Sometimes special agents of the "610 Office" or National Security Bureau pretended to be clerks of "Oversea Chinese Service Department" and deceived them to provide information on their overseas relatives. After their trick was exposed, the thugs openly threatened the relatives in their workplaces.

During the forum, the noisy Chinatown became quiet. People in a hurry slowed their steps. One elderly lady sat beside the platform and listened to the speeches from beginning to the end. Passersby and workers in the Chinatown stores all saw the large banners in Chinese, English and French: "The Heavenly Principle is Clear: Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice" "The Net of Justice is Tight: Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice".

Speech after speech, the cloudy sky turned clear. Finally, golden sunshine brightened the land.