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Summary of Other Articles and News - 6/6/2003

June 11, 2003


News From Australia

In order to protest the Chinese government's illegal arrest and brutal persecution of Charles Li, Dafa practitioners in Sydney, Australia held a peaceful candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese consulate on June 5th and 6th to appeal and to send forth righteous thoughts. They strongly protested the Chinese government's severe maltreatment of Falun Gong practitioners and they called for the immediate release of Charles Li. Some Dafa practitioners in Sydney held a voluntary hunger strike in front of the Chinese consulate at 8:00 a.m. on June 4, 2003.

Truth About the Persecution

Officers from the Qidong County Police Department illegally detained Dafa practitioners who went to appeal. During this time, Wang Ximin, an officer from the Qidong County Politics and Security Section slapped Dafa practitioners' faces, and Zhou Daosheng, a guard at a detention center hit practitioners' faces and mouths with a broom coated with feces. He further hit the practitioners' heads with a large bamboo rod. He Zhengrong, chief of the Politics and Security Section, forced the practitioners to kneel on the ground and then brutally beat them. He Zhengrong and Li Wei, an officer from the Qidong County Police Department who is particularly cruel, brutally beat the practitioners' entire bodies with bamboo sticks until the sticks broke.

News From China

Taiwan national security recently pointed out that the SARS epidemic is still quite severe in China. Beiyuan Residential area in Chaoyang District/Beijing exploded anew with a communal SARS infection, but the Chinese government is still lying to the outside world and covering up the truth. At the same time, China is asserting pressure on the WHO through base means: not only does China want to get off the list of infected regions, but also requested that Taiwan not be taken off the list first, ahead of China.