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A Few Cases of Persecution of Practitioners in Sichuan Province: Beating, Detention and Forced Homelessness

June 12, 2003



1. Yu Shengyin is a male Falun Dafa practitioner in his 30s. He lived in the No. 8 Village of Hexing Town (Yingshan County, Sichuan Province).

Since July 20, 1999, Yu Shengyin had been working at Yongjia Rubber Plant in Oubei Town (Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province). Because he persists in his cultivation, the local "610 Office," police station and some other persecutors harassed him before every holiday.

On February 4, 2003, some persecutors from Yongjia County Police Department and Oubei Town Police Station searched for Yu on the street, showing an enlarged picture of him. To avoid the persecution, Yu was forced to move. On February 5, a few policemen followed him and abducted him near his apartment. They took him to Oubei Town Police Station and illegally searched his body, taking a copy of Zhuan Falun and 70 Yuan [ The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is about 500 Yuan, but only 200 Yuan for a rural worker.] The persecutors also beat and cursed Yu. On the same night, Yu escaped and was forced into homelessness.

2. Zeng Dehua, male, 31. He lived in Sanyuan Village of Wangu Town (Dazu County, Chongqing City).

In July 2000, Zeng Dehua went to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa. He did the sitting meditation in Tiananmen Square wearing a shirt that had the characters of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" on it. The police forced him into a police vehicle and slapped his face. They also use batons to hit his face and hands. Zeng was then sent to a place nearby, where the police interrogated him. During the interrogation, the persecutors tortured him again: they slapped his face, punched his face, chest, and back. The torture disfigured his face.

Later on, the police sent Zeng to Pinggu County Detention Center and detained him there for seven days. On the night of his arrival, Zeng was tortured for more than an hour during an interrogation. Within the next few days, the perpetrators interrogated him several times and forced him to stand in a very painful position. With two thugs holding Zeng, another one kicked him ferociously with his knees; they also whipped him with a whip made of thin steel wire. As a result, Zeng could hardly walk or get up or sit down; black and purple bruises covered his thighs and buttocks. Although he was badly injured, the perpetrators forced him to do hard labor.

Later, police guards Yang from Wangu Town Police Station and another government staff member in Wangu Town escorted Zeng back to his hometown. The police station extorted 608 Yuan from him as the "travel expenses." Zeng was then sent to the Dazu County Detention Center and illegally detained there for 18 days. The person in charge of his issue was Zhou Ji from Dazu County Police Department. During the detention, some police guards extorted 10,000 Yuan from Zeng's family.

After his release, Zeng was forced into homelessness avoid the persecution. Guard Yang from Wangu Police Station often searched his home, harassed Zeng's family members and threatened them, asking them to find Zeng. In June 2002, the perpetrators illegally detained Zeng's father for one day.

3. Tang Huaiji, male, 33. He lives in Huilong Town (Yingshan, Sichuan Province).

In May 2000, Tang Huaiji went to Beijing to appeal. He was arrested in Tiananmen Square, sent to Qianmen Police Station, and then transferred to the police station of his hometown. On May 9, the persecutors sent him to the Yingshan Detention Center for a one-month term. On June 2, 2000, the detention center took Tang to the street to humiliate him. Tang shouted out loud "Falun Dafa is good!" in front of many people. The persecutors then used dirty cloth to plug his mouth; they also clamped on his neck with their hands. When the one-month term was due, the detention center did not release him. Tang protested by going on a hunger strike. The guards then instigated some inmates to curse and beat him, resulting in many injuries on his body. The persecutors then tied Tang up on a bed, used shoes to hit his face and scissors to pry his mouth. They tried to use this method to force-feed Tang in vain. Later, the doctor of the detention center Deng and several armed police guard put handcuffs and shackles on him and sent him to a hospital, where they tried to use stomach-feeding tubes to force feed him. That also failed. Seven days later, they released him.

Shortly after Tang's release, Tang was arrested again for clarifying the truth to some government offices. The persecutors forcefully detained him in Mianyang Forced-Labor Camp. In the labor camp, Tang protested again: the persecutors then extended his term by a few days for the protest.

After his release from the labor camp, Tang was still watched by the perpetrators. In late 2002, he was arrested again for clarifying the truth. He was sentenced to two years in forced-labor camp and has since been detained in Yingshan Detention Center again.

4. Hu Peizhong, male, 36, lived in Weisheng Street, Yingshan County.

On Dec. 27, 1999 (lunar calendar), Hu Peizhong went to Beijing to appeal. He practiced the exercises on Jan. 1, 2000 (lunar calendar) on Tiananmen Square. Together with his 9-year-old son, his 7-year-old daughter, and his wife, Hu was arrested by the police and taken to a nearby police station. During the arrest, the police slapped Hu's face and kicked him. After detaining him for eight hours, the persecutors transferred him to the Nanchong Liaison Office in Beijing and illegally detained him there for four days.

On Jan. 5, 2000 (lunar calendar), some government staff members from Langchi Town, Yingshan County, including Tang Bifang and Li Ping and Luo Yongzhi from Langchi Town Police Station, extorted 400 Yuan from Hu and interrogated him before they escorted him back to Yingshan County. On the way, the persecutors used handcuffs to link Hu and other practitioners, and they did not release the cuffs even when the practitioners were eating, drinking or boarding trains and buses.

When the practitioners arrived in Yingshan County, the persecutors detained them in

Langchi Town Police Station for one night. The next day, the persecutors interrogated the practitioners, including two children. In the evening, the two children were released, and Hu Peizhong was sent to a detention center. In the center, the guards slapped Hu's face and kicked him; they also instigated the inmates to beat him. On the second day after Hu's arrival at the detention center, seven people from the county police, state security department, county government, Langchi Town government and police station took turns interrogating Hu for the whole day. He was illegally detained in the detention center for 38 days in total, during which the persecutors interrogated him many times.

After his release, Hu was employed away from his hometown. The town government and local residential office staff members Li Zhaoxia, Deng Yanlin, Hu Huayang; Deng Jianhua,and Luo Yongzhi from the Langchi Town Police Station; and some guards from Dongcheng Police Station ransacked Hu's home many times. They also framed Hu's wife and harassed her many times. When they broke into her room and abducted her, they forcefully dragged her out and did not even allow her to put her clothes and shoes on. In the police station, the persecutors handcuffed and shackled her to a chair. During her detention, their two children were left home by themselves. Hu's wife spent most of year 2000 under detention. (She was detained many times). Later on, she escaped from a brainwashing center. The two children were also watched. The perpetrators also posted a reward of 5,000 Yuan on the local TV and radio for Hu Peizhong. Thus, Hu was forced to flee into homelessness, away from his wife and children.