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Canadian Senator Consiglio Di Nino Sends Strongest Voice to All the Others and Urges Chinese Authority to Release Falun Gong Practitioner

June 12, 2003


The Hon Consiglio Di Nino

The Senate of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0A4

Tel (613)943-1454

Fax (613)943-1800

May 13, 2003

Mr. Xilai Bo, Premier

Liaoning Provincial Government

No.45 Beiling Street

Huanggu District Shenyang ,

Liaoning Province China 110032

Re :LU, Xiuzhen

Dear Premier Bo,

I have been made aware of the incarceration of Lu, Xiuzhen and am disturbed by the actions taken by Chinese officials , particularly when it appears as though this decision was based on religious persecution.

I add my strongest voice to all the others and urge you to release Lu, Xiuzhen.


Senator Consiglio Di Nino

cc. Mr. Zhenggao Chen

Mayor , Shenyang City Government

Ms.Su jing

Director , Masanjia Labor Camp