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Latest News from China - 6/4/2003

June 12, 2003

June 3, 2003


  1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Pan Xuanhua, a "6.20"* Tragedy Survivor, is Tortured to the Point of Being Unable to Take Care of Herself
  2. [Chongqing City] Municipal Government Officials Openly Lie to Cover Up Scandal
  3. [Dachang Hui Autonomous County, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Lizhu's Arrest
  4. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Police Destroy Dafa Materials Production Site in the Xintun District on or around May 31, 2003
  5. [Beijing City] Police from the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp Retaliate Against Dafa Practitioner Wang Fangfu Who Exposed Their Crimes
  6. [Beijing] Illegal Arrest of Practitioners Ms. Li Shanjuan and Ms. Wang Fang
  7. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] List of Names of Detained Female Practitioners at Jiamusi City Labor Camp
  8. [Shanghai] Arrest of Practitioners
  9. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Ms. Zhang Yaqin and Ms. Chi Kejing Are Detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
  10. [Xiantao City, Hubei Province] Illegal Arrest of Practitioner Ms. Wu Qunfang
  11. [Linzhou City, Hebei Province] Lawless Policemen Illegally Arrest Dafa Practitioners and Extort Their Families' Money
  12. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Practitioners
  13. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Brief Account of Persecution against Dafa Practitioners
  14. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Illegal Detention of Dafa Practitioner Dong Jinzhi
  15. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioner Couple Wang Junfeng from the Taiping District Are Illegally Detained by Persons from the Taiping Police Precinct

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Pan Xuanhua, a "6.20"* Tragedy Survivor, is Tortured to the Point of Being Unable to Take Care of Herself

Dafa practitioner Ms. Pan Xuanhua is 59 years old. After July 20, 1999 she went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Gong and was detained at Harbin City Detention Center. Later on, she was sent to Harbin City's Wanjia Forced Labor Camp and suffered all kinds of inhumane tortures. She is a survivor of the "6.20" Tragedy in the Wanjia labor camp. Her true persecution experience has often been revealed to the public on Clearwisdom net. At the beginning of 2002, she was again sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp because she clarified the truth of Falun Gong to the public. She is currently still detained on the 3rd floor in the No.7 team at the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. She has been tortured so severely that her appearance is beyond recognition. Her mind became feeble and she is unable to take care of herself. Her family members requested to bail her out for hospitalization but the authorities declined, giving no reason.

Harbin City's Wanjia Forced Labor Camp: 86-451-4101454 (switchboard) extension 3473 (3rd floor of the No.7 team); or ask the switchboard to transfer you to Lu Zhenshan in the director's office;

Hotline for mayor of Harbin City: 86-451-4612345;

Forced Labor Section in Harbin City's Judiciary Bureau: 86-451-4610014;

Heilongjiang Province's Forced Labor Department: 86-451-2725051;

Nangang District "610 Office"** in Harbin City: 86-451-2705749;

Harbin City "610 Office": 86-451-4690027, 86-451-4696259;

Nangang District Police Sub-Department under Harbin City Police Department: 86-451-2543506;

Harbin City Police Department: 86-451-4615818.

[Chongqing City] Municipal Government Officials Openly Lie to Cover Up Scandal

Yesterday, Clearwisdom net published an article reporting that female postgraduate student Ms. Wei Xingyan from Chongqing University was raped by a lawless policeman from Shapingba District's Baihelin Detention Center. We called the hotline of Chongqing City's mayorüi86-23-63854444üjand informed various relevant government departments about the incident. They replied that there is no such major called "High Voltage Electricity Transmission & Transformation" and no such person called "Wei Xingyan" at Chongqing University. However, when we called Chongqing University shortly afterwards, the university confirmed that there is indeed a major called "High Voltage Electricity Transmission & Transformation" and is taught in the Electrical Engineering Department.

The government officials of Chongqing City openly tell lies. We hope people who know about the incident will provide us with more details, so as to expose the vicious lies more powerfully.

Written by Dafa practitioners from England on June 3, 2003.

[Dachang Hui Autonomous County, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Lizhu's Arrest

In mid April, Liu Chunguang, chief of the Political & Security Section from Dachang County Police Department, and policeman He Fengcheng and other personnel from the Vice Squad abducted Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Lizhu. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Dachang County Police Department:

Switchboard: 86-316-8822829, 86-316-8822429;

Director's Office: 86-316-8822229;

Political & Security Section:

Liu Chunguang (director): 86-316-8827076;

He Fengcheng (policeman): 86-316-8940143;

Director of the "610 Office": Li Jianxue;

Director of the Police Department: Han Wenhua;

Director of Dachang County Political & Judiciary Committee: Yang Guangyuan.

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Police Destroy Dafa Materials Production Site in the Xintun District on or around May 31, 2003

Dafa practitioners Mr. Zhang Shouhui and Ms. Wang Xiuxia were forcibly taken away. The computers and other property in the room were improperly confiscated.

[Beijing City] Police from the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp Retaliate Against Dafa Practitioner Wang Fangfu Who Exposed Their Crimes

At the beginning of 2003, Minghui.net published a letter from Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Fangfu to her parents, exposing the persecution incidents she suffered in Beijing City's Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp. Policemen who had participated in the persecution felt guilty and terrified inside. By the end of March, they isolated her in the Women's Forced Labor Camp for further physical torture. They also blocked the information.

[Beijing] Illegal Arrest of Practitioners Ms. Li Shanjuan and Ms. Wang Fang

During the night of May 28, plainclothes police from the national security department illegally arrested practitioners Ms. Li Shanjuan and Ms. Wang Fang at their rented residence. Before they were arrested, Ms. Li Shanjuan had called home to schedule a time to meet with her husband and son. National security police agents had monitored her telephone. Based on the recorded phone call and the subsequent interrogation of her husband and son under torture, the police eventually arrested the two practitioners. Now their whereabouts are unknown.

[Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] List of Names of Detained Female Practitioners at Jiamusi City Labor Camp

Dong Yuqin, Wang Yuzhen, Wang He, Xie Xuepu, Huang Xiaolei, Chen Fengmin, Jiang Guihong, Hu Qili, Lu Guihong, Li Enju, Dong Guilian, Tang Hongwei, Cheng Hanpo, Zheng Guangzhen, Yang Fengying, Zhang Qingjiao, Liu Hailan, Li Qin, Li Xiurong, Ma Shuhong, Yan Hongbo, Qi Shuqing, Cao Xiuxia, Li Guiqin, Zheng Guihong, Zhu Xiuqin, Jiang Chenghong, Zou Jiqin, Luo Guihua, and Fan Yemei

[Shanghai] Arrest of Practitioners

On May 28, at least six practitioners were arrested in Pujiang Town, Minxing District in Shanghai.

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Ms. Zhang Yaqin and Ms. Chi Kejing Are Detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Zhang Yaqin, 48 years old, is still detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Her 12- year-old daughter stays at home by herself.

Ms. Chi Kejing, 40 years old, was an employee of Pailou Town's Magnesium Mine in Haicheng City, Liaoning Province. In 2002, the police ransacked her home and took away some Dafa literature. She is now detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

[Xiantao City, Hubei Province] Illegal Arrest of Practitioner Ms. Wu Qunfang

On May 16, practitioner Ms. Wu Qunfang was reported to police when she clarified the truth regarding Falun Dafa on her way to a village. She is now detained at Xiantao City's No.1 Detention Center.

[Linzhou City, Hebei Province] Lawless Policemen Illegally Arrest Dafa Practitioners and Extort Their Families' Money

In April 2003, when some Dafa practitioners from other areas went to Linzhou City in Henan Province to clarify the truth of Falun Gong, police didn't arrest them, but began to illegally search local Dafa practitioners' houses. As long as they found a flyer, an article or a book of Dafa, they would put the Dafa practitioners into a detention center. Lawless policemen successively arrested over 20 Dafa practitioners, but if their families would give them money, these practitioners would be released. Some have been extorted from 1,000 Yuan to 5,000 Yuan***, and even more. Personnel from Linzhou City Police Department use this method to collect money.

Responsible policemen in Linzhou City Police Department: Zhang Zhanglin and Chang Taiji

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Practitioners

Dafa Practitioners Mr. Zhang Shaobo and Mr. Xing Hongtao, employees of Shenyang City's No. 8 Hospital, are illegally arrested and suffering brutal torture.

[Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Brief Account of Persecution against Dafa Practitioners

Recently, the vicious officials in Zhaoyuan City launched a new round of persecution against Dafa practitioners and some have been arrested. Furthermore, lawless police are trying to arrest homeless Dafa practitioners everywhere. TV stations are deceiving the public by framing Falun Gong. Some units, towns and villages take this chance to ferret out Dafa practitioners.

[Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Illegal Detention of Dafa Practitioner Dong Jinzhi

In April 2003, Ms. Dong Jinzhi, a Dafa practitioner from the Qingbaijiang District in Chengdu City, was taken away from home by lawless policemen and officials from the "610 Office." During her detention she was severely wounded. Now she is illegally detained at Jintang County's 201 Hospital in Chengdu City. Local practitioners and overseas practitioners: please send forth righteous thoughts and make phone calls to rescue her.

Telephone numbers of some responsible persons at Jintang County's 201 Hospital in Chengdu City, also a forced labor camp hospital:

Li Wenming, hospital administrator and director of the labor camp: 86-28-84902688(W), 86-13808004117(C)

Rao Longwei, associate director: 86-28-84902758(W), 86-13908208756(C)

Che Leicheng, associate director: 86-28-84902699(W), 86-13908208758(C)

Chen Siyou, chief of the Political Section: 86-28-84902755(W), 86-13908239296(C)

Tang Kunru, chief of the Supervising Section (610 Office): 86-28-84902756(W), 86-28-84902600(H)

Chen Hanmin, chief of Guarding Section: 86-13708210728(C), 86-28-84902648(H)

Deng Xiaoqiong, chief of the Propaganda and Education Section: 86-28-84902753(W)

Yu Zhengjun, an official of the "610 Office": 86-28-84902620(H)

Xiang Changqiao, chief of the Security Section: 86-28-84902816(H)

Xiang Ying, chief of the Mental Section: 86-28-84902828(H)

Xing Xiaoping, chief of the Patient Administration Team: 86-28-84902773(H)

Li Zhibin, surgery charge nurse: 86-28-84902692(W), 86-28-84902829(H)

Deng Keming, chief of the Surgery Section: 86-28-84902691(W), 86-28-84902619(H)

Ran Senlin, chief of the No.1 Monitoring Area: 86-28-84902634(W)

Li Wanhong, chief of the No.2 Monitoring Area: 86-28-84902701(W)

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioner Couple Wang Junfeng from the Taiping District Are Illegally Detained by Persons from the Taiping Police Precinct

Mr. Wang Junfeng, a Dafa practitioner from the Taiping District in Harbin City is an employee of Dongli District's Electricity Bureau. At the beginning of May 2003, lawless policemen from the Taiping Police Precinct illegally arrested him from work and searched his house. Later, they also arrested his wife. Now their whereabouts are unknown. It was reported that Heilongjiang Province's Police Department authorities paid attention to this case.

* " 6.20" Wanjia Labor Camp Tragedy: On June 20, 2001, long-term ruthless torture and abuse in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City Heilongjiang Province led to the death of three Falun Gong practitioners and 12 other practitioners were on the verge of death. Please visit the following links for details: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/6/29/23584.html; http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/6/29/23582.html; http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/6/29/23583.html.

** "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

***500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.