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My Personal Experience of Falun Gong's Power of Healing Illness and Helping One to Keep Fit

June 13, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) My body had been tortured with all sorts of diseases. My illnesses were caused by a bad living environment in my childhood and a difficult working life. Taking medicine and getting shots constantly, my medical expenses was close to a thousand Yuan* every year.

In 1997, my neighbor introduced Falun Gong to me. During the first two years of practice, my health improved remarkably. My body felt light whenever I walked around or did some work. I gradually looked more youthful. Even my older daughter-in-law, who is a doctor, was amazed at the remarkable changes.

However, after July 20, 1999, I stopped practicing Falun Gong because of Jiang's suppression of the practice. In the winter of 2000, my coronary heart disease recurred. My chest felt stuffy and breathing was difficult, especially when I lay on my bed during the night. I felt very tired and could not breathe smoothly. Therefore, my daughter provided emergency pills for the heart, pills to reduce heart pain and even an oxygen bag for emergency medical conditions.

Later on October 18, 2002, I was diagnosed with acute heart infarction. They asked me to have surgery immediately and it would cost 20,000 Yuan. In addition, the heart radiography would cost 9,000 Yuan. My family and I could not afford the surgery, and my wife and children were very worried about me.

Last November, I started to practice Falun Dafa again, and sometimes I would introduce Falun Gong to people. After practicing again, my health has recovered. My personal experiences have truly shown me Falun Gong's powerful effects on one's health and well-being.

*Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.

May 30, 2003