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Latest News from China - 05/30/2003

June 14, 2003


  1. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa practitioner Zhu Changbin Has Been Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison Without Proper Legal Procedure
  2. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Lu Yanna Was Forced to Leave Home For More Than Three Years To Avoid Further Persecution
  3. [Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Jianping Suffered from Brutal Torture at Judong Forced Labour Camp and is Now On the Verge of Death
  4. [Jingyuan County, Gansu Province] Lawless Perpetrators of the Dongwan Township Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
  5. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Lu Changkong Is Missing
  6. [Jingzhou City, Liaoning Province] Policemen in the City Have Arrested More Falun Dafa Practitioners
  7. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] The Principal Culprits in Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners Zeng Qinghong and Jia Qinglin Recently Visited the City of Jiamusi
  8. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Youmei of the Liaohe Oil Field Was Illegally Arrested
  9. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Escalated Its Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in May
  10. [China] Question for Persecutors: Is There Any Difference Between What You Are Doing And What the Criminals Are Doing?
  11. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Huiyu Was Sent to Jinzhou Prison after Being Unlawfully Sentenced
  12. [Tianjin City] A Brief Account of the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Tianjin Forced Labour Camp
  13. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Female Falun Dafa practitioners Chang Guiyun and Sun Yumei of Pingshan District Are Arrested Without Cause
  14. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] Daughter of Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Duoyun, Who Was Tortured to Death, Has Been Detained Without Legal Procedure
  15. [Shouxian County, Anhui Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Hu Dianrong Was Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labour
  16. [Fuxin City, Liaoning Province] Three More Falun Dafa Practitioners Have Been Illegally Arrested
  17. [Jinchang City, Gansu Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Shan Xiyuan and Female Practitioners Li Guiying and Cong Jinxia Have Been Unlawfully Detained
  18. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa practitioner Zhu Changbin Has Been Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison Without Proper Legal Procedure
  19. On April 22, 2002, Zhu Changbing's house was illegally searched and he himself was arrested for printing Falun Dafa truth clarification materials. After his arrest he was held at the Dalian Detention Centre where he was tortured. By the end of the same year he was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment without proper legal procedure or public trial and is currently held at the Dabei No Four Prison in Shenyang City.

  20. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Lu Yanna Was Forced to Leave Home For More Than Three Years To Avoid Further Persecution

Lu Yanna (Female) was designated as a "priority case" by the Chinese Public Security Ministry and a reward of sixty thousand Yuan [500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China] was offered for her capture. It has been more than three years since she was illegally listed as being wanted nationwide. Lu Yanna has been forced to leave home to avoid further persecution and unlawful arrest by the authorities. During this period, her grandmother died as a result of the atmosphere of terror and constant harassment from the Xiajingjia Police Substation, Longkou City.

[Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Jianping Suffered from Brutal Torture at the Judong Forced Labour Camp and is Now On the Verge of Death

Wang Jianping was illegally detained at the Judong Forced Labour Camp, Jiangsu province. As a result of being subjected to torture over a long period of time, she is now on the verge of death. However, the labour camp still refuses to release her on bail for medical treatment. Now, every day she is being given infusions just to keep her alive. We hope overseas practitioners can show your support.

[Jingyuan County, Gansu Province] Lawless Perpetrators of the Dongwan Township Torture Falun Dafa practitioners

At the moment, officials from Dongwan Township informed residents to keep a close eye on visitors. Whenever they see a visitor or a Falun Gong practitioner they must report it immediately. Besides, the Jingyuan County Public Security Bureau has not only illegally detained a large number of Falun Dafa practitioners at detention centres or forced labour camps (According to Clearwisdom report, among the Dafa practitioners, Bai Sanyuan of Pingbao was tortured to death.) but also illegally arrested two other practitioners recently for allegedly possessing Teacher Li's new articles. The policemen kept on harassing and threatening Falun Dafa practitioners. One policeman with a surname of Jing threatened Dafa practitioners saying, "We will arrest whoever possesses truth clarification material."

[Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Lu Changkong Is Missing

There has been no news whatsoever about Lu Changkong after he went to hand out truth clarification material around Aril 9, 2003. It is thought that he has been illegally taken away by the police. Lu Changkong was a worker of the Lanzhou Vacuum Equipment Factory. He went to Beijing to lodge a peaceful appeal and had been detained and tortured many times. He was expelled from the Party and the factory by the perpetrators of his work unit. Lu Changkong has been unemployed and homeless for a very long period of time. He now has to travel from place to place to avoid further persecution.

[Jingzhou City, Liaoning Province] Policemen in the City Have Arrested More Falun Dafa Practitioners

At about 10 a.m. on May 16, 2003, policemen Zhao Xiaoming (Head) and Dang Liwei of the Nu'erhe Police-substation of Taihe District, Jingzhou City led a group of their men to break into Falun Dafa practitioner Zhao Xiyun's home in broad daylight. They searched the house and took away some Falun Dafa material. The policemen also searched a shed from where they took away several boxes of printing paper. Then they went to Zhao Xiyun's husband Li Fuhe's (also a Dafa practitioner) work unit to bring him back home. The couple were arrested and sent straight to the Jingzhou City Detention Centre. Three days later Zhao Xiyun was sent to Jingzhou City Number One House of Detention and has been illegally held up to now. The policemen threatened to either have her sentenced or send her to a forced labour camp. Her husband Li Fuhe was released after being illegally detained for seven days.

[Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] The Principal Culprits in Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners Zeng Qinghong and Jia Qinglin Recently visited the city of Jiamusi

Around May 26, members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Zeng Qinghong and Jia Qinglin visited Jiamusi and the surrounding cities and countries (probably Hegang and Huachuan). A large number of plainclothes public security personnel were deployed around the Jiamusi Guest House. Whenever any person or vehicle passed by the Guest House the plainclothes officers would stop them for questioning. Many streets were sealed off, which caused a lot of inconvenience to the public.

On the afternoon of May 27, public security personnel guarded every crossing along the main boulevard, Changan Road. Even those lanes not normally noticeable were guarded. Police cars were everywhere. The street peddlers who normally line both sides of the street, the bicycle repair stand and people from the labour market were all driven off the street because Zeng and Jia were to pass by the area on their inspection tour. The motorcade passed Changan Road at about 4 p.m.; however the sections of the road where the motorcade would pass were sealed off long before that. Pedestrians and bicycles were not allowed to use the road. Only when the motorcade passed was the traffic permitted to return to normal. Residents, taxi drivers and even the policemen were all disgusted with the unnecessary arrangement. Some said, "The Party is doomed. We make such a fuss when only vice premiers are in town. If the head of the country comes then all the residents of the city would probably be banned from coming out of their houses." Some said, "They came here to solve problems so they should work together with the people of the city and communicate with them. But instead they are so afraid of the people. Can their kind of officials really serve the people?" When some others learned that there were people coming from Beijing, they said, "Don't bring SARS here."

Zeng and Jia left Jiamusi on the morning of May 28. It is said that the two men came to visit the city because of the large scale protest staged by the Jiamusi Textile Factory workers who had blocked the train many times. However, the lawless officials of the city have not devoted their energies to serve the people, but instead to persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. The officials issued orders that efforts should made in preventing against SARS; however, more effort should be made to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners.

While the SARS virus was spreading in China, most of the areas in Heilongjiang Province suffered from a severe drought. The water level of the Songhua River in Jiamusi is very low and the rainfall is scarce, so agriculture in the area suffered huge losses.

[Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Youmei of the Liaohe Oil Field Was Illegally Arrested

Recently, Wang Youmei (female and about 40 years old) and others were illegally taken away. The arrests have caused great damage to Dafa practitioners as one body and to the situation of Fa Rectification.

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Escalated Its Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in May

[China] Question Persecutors: Is There Any Difference Between What You Are Doing and What the Crooks Do?

One day when I drove four persons from the district police department to the neighbourhood committee, one of them said, "Yesterday (26th) people from the neighbourhood committee and the police station went to knock on a resident's door. When no one answered the door they just carried a ladder and broke into the house from the window. They left when they found there was nobody in the house." I said, "It's against the law to break into a private house." That person said, "It was done in cooperation with members of the police department." I said, "Members of the police department must obey the law too." That person said, "The owner of the house practices Falun Gong". I said, "Those who practice Falun Gong are all good people. Besides, they have not done any thing wrong and everyone is equal before the law. Why couldn't they do their job in line with the law? Is there any difference between what they are doing and what the criminals do. I don't see that there is any difference between them and common criminals."

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Huiyu Was Sent to Jinzhou Prison after Being Illegally Sentenced

Zhang Huiyu was arrested in 2002 at a Falun Dafa materials production site in Tiexi, Shenyang City. After being illegally sentenced Zhang was sent to Jinzhou Prison where Zhang held a hunger strike on four occasions to protest against the persecution. Zhang is very steadfast in his belief in Falun Dafa.

[Tianjin City] A Brief Account of the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Forced Labour Camps in Tianjin City

Originally there was only one forced labour camp in Tianjin City, known as the Jianxin Forced Labour Camp, where Dafa practitioners were being detained. In order to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, the city specifically set up the Banqiao Forced Labour Camp (No. Four Division) and No. Five Division. From the very beginning, the No. Five Division illegally detained about 40 Dafa practitioners. The Jianxin Forced Labour Camp was originally used to hold people who had committed all kinds of criminal offences. With more and more Dafa practitioners being illegally sent to the camp the number of real criminals held there decreased to about 4 or 5 and the rest are all Dafa practitioners. At present about 50 to 60 Falun Dafa practitioners are still illegally being detained in the camp.

[Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Female Falun Dafa practitioners Chang Guiyun and Sun Yumei of Pingshan District Were illegally Arrested

Chang Guiyun, female, 67 years old, was illegally taken away from her home at about 10 a.m. on May 15 by Benxi City police. She is now being held at the Ajialing Detention Centre.

Sun Yumei, female, 70 years old, was arrested at about 4 p.m. on May 16 by policemen from the local police-substation.

[Hefei City, Anhui Province] The Daughter of Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Duoyun, Who Was Tortured to Death, Has Been Illegally Detained

After Zhang Duoyun was tortured to death, overseas Dafa practitioners phoned those policemen who took part in the persecution and the policemen were very scared. Prior to the Sixteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Zhang Duoyun's daughter Zhang Lingzhi was illegally arrested by the police. She is still being held at the camp and has suffered from all sorts of torture. We hope the overseas Dafa practitioners can continue to make phone calls to clarify the truth.

[Shouxian County, Anhui Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Hu Dianrong Was Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labour

At about 4 p.m. on March 19th, the Head of the Chengguan Police Substation, Gao Damin, and a group of policemen from the Xihu Police Substation of Shouxian County took Hu Dianrong away from her home by force. A few days later, Hu Dianrong and another female Dafa practitioner, Xin Shaoqun, were sent to Hefei Women's Forced Labour Camp for the so-called education through labour.

We call on the overseas Dafa practitioners to make phone calls to clarify the truth.

List of the responsible members of those units that are involved in the persecution and their phone numbers:

Wang Anhua, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Commission:

86-564-4029199 [office] 86-564-4023979 [home]

Yao Chuanxin, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Commission:

86-564-4029199 [office] 86-564-4022676 [home]

Gao Damin, Head of the police substation:

86-564-4022682 [office] 86-564-4025365 [home]

Hefei Women's Forced Labour Camp 86-551-5313254

[Fuxin City, Liaoning Province] Three More Falun Dafa Practitioners Have Been Illegally Arrested

Female Dafa practitioners Zhang Hongyan and Lu Liangna, as well as a Dafa practitioner from Jinzhou with an assumed name of "Li Zheng" were illegally arrested by Liu Siwei of the political and security section of the Fuxin City Police Department. All three of the practitioners are now being illegally held at Xindi Detention Centre.

[Jinchang City, Gansu Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Shan Xiyuan and Female Practitioners Li Guiying and Cong Jinxia Have Been Illegally Detained

Shan Siyuan, Cong Jinxia (female) and Li Guiying (female) have been illegally arrested by personnel from the Jinchang State Security Department and are now being held at Yongchang Detention Centre. It is said that they will be sentenced.