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Summary of Other Articles and News - 06/12/2003

June 15, 2003


Facts of the Persecution

The Sanshui City Women's Labor Camp in Guangdong Province uses various methods to mentally abuse Falun Dafa practitioners. In order to attempt to brainwashing Falun Dafa practitioners, police try very hard to appear kind, but slander Falun Dafa and deceive Falun Dafa practitioners. Their persecution is conducted with lies and violence. Those firmly cultivating Falun Dafa practitioners are locked in a dark cell and tortured.

Falun Dafa practitioner Song Yongkuan is an employee of the Xiangyuan Sailors Corporation. The "610 Office"* arrested him on June 27, 2001 without reason. Later he was sentenced to a labor camp. Song Yongkuan was released from jail at the end of June 2002. Song Yongkuan's employer promised him that right before he was released he would pay his withheld salary, give his children jobs, and allow him to continue his old job, as long as Song Yongkuan signed the "three statements." Though Song Yongkuan signed the "three statements" against his will, his employer still has not kept any of his promises, and Song has been persecuted even more severely. They forced him do heavy labor, and only paid him 700 Yuan as a basic living cost, which cannot support his four members family (he used to earn 5,500 Yuan per month). Song Yongkuan had to become destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally abducted from his home, and to keep the police from harassing his family.

Falun Dafa practitioners at the Shijiazhuang Oil Refinery have been persecuted since July 20, 1999. Those who went to Beijing to peacefully appeal have been removed from their positions, or suspended, and have had their salaries and bonuses withheld. Some Dafa practitioners have been illegally detained in the refinery for one year. Before the "16th Party Congress" held in 2002, police from the Sifang Substation abducted five practitioners, and sent them to the Hebei Provincial Brainwashing class. Additionally there are two Dafa practitioners who became destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home. On November 7, 2002, police from the Chang'an District of Shijiazhuang City broke into Falun Dafa practitioner Jian Youlian's home, illegally searched his home, and extorted 5,000 Yuan. They forced his family to live under house arrest for the past half-year.

News from China

My sister-in-law runs a fast-food breakfast restaurant. She always got up early, and went to sleep late, and she had problems all over her body. Her arms and joints were often in pain. Ever since the evil persecution started, I have frequently brought truth-clarifying materials to my friends and relatives. She often passes the materials to others after she reads them. When she hears about someone misunderstanding Dafa, she says some fair words for Dafa. Recently, I taught her the fifth exercise. Since then her arms have not hurt, and she has plenty of energy throughout the day, even the black spots on her face are gone. She said, "Falun Dafa is so miraculous!" I told her that this is her reward for being kind to Dafa.

News from Around the World

The Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF), which represents more than forty organizations, called on all citizens in Hong Kong to not rely on others, to stand up and take control of their own destinies, and to participate in the "Oppose 23, Return Rights to the People" parade scheduled for July 1. Member of the Legislative Council Lee Cheuk-yan of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions took unprecedented action, raising a resolution during the Legislative Council Meeting, and requesting that the Legislative Council call on all citizens of Hong Kong to attend this "grand parade on July 1." Lee Cheuk-yan said, "If there are several hundreds of thousands or 1 million people who join the parade, I don't believe that we could not stop this Article 23."

*The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

**The "three statements" are statements that practitioners are coerced under brainwashing and torture to write as proof that they have given up their belief. Created by the "610 Office," the three statements consist of a letter of repentance, a guarantee to never again practice Falun Gong, and a list of names and addresses of all family members, friends and acquaintances who are practitioners.