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Cultivation and Fa-Rectification Stories of a Young Woman from Northern China

June 15, 2003

June 2, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Jing-jing is a young woman from northern China. After July 20, 1999, she went to Beijing twice to validate Falun Dafa. Each time, she was illegally abducted, but she stood firm and did not cooperate with the evil. Both times she came out of imprisonment using her righteous thoughts. Whenever she talked about her experiences of cultivating and validating Dafa, her bright eyes glowed with firm faith in Dafa. The following are some of her cultivation and truth-clarifying experiences:

Cultivating Dafa, Obtaining a New Life

Jing-jing used to work in a bar with singing and dancing, as its operating manager. Because of the environment, she got caught up with the habits of smoking and drinking. She spent a lot of time pursuing these habits; she could not find the meaning of her life. Then one day in 1998, her mother, who had already obtained Dafa gave her a copy of Zhuan Falun and asked her to read the book. She had never before finished reading one entire book in her life, but this time she read through the book without a break. The principles of "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Tolerance" in the book impacted her life, and woke up her benevolent nature; she couldn't help sighing with a deep feeling, "Now I understand."

After obtaining the Fa, she began learning the Fa with great eagerness. Sometimes when she started to read Zhuan Falun, she would read for seven or eight hours and still did not want to take a break. She said that every word that Master says penetrates into her mind, and the more she learns the more she understands, and the more she learns the brighter her mind becomes. She follows the mind nature standards of a Dafa practitioner with all her effort in whatever she says and does.

Directly Look into the Evil Person's Eyes

In January of 2001, in a detention center in Beijing, Jing-jing shouted out with her singer's voice "Falun Dafa is good." Her voice could be heard throughout the detention center and shook everyone there. Policemen pointed at her and shouted, "It's her, get her out." One policeman pulled her by the collar closer to him and raised his fist wanting to hit her. She stared directly into the evil person's eyes without any fear; the evil person's fist suddenly dropped in front of her face. A police leader shouted to her while pounding on the desk, "Stop shouting. Dare you look into my eyes?" She stared at the policeman and said word-by-word, "Dare you look into my eyes? Did you see anything in my eyes?" The policeman hesitated and asked, "What is in there?" she replied loudly, "In my eyes are righteousness and kindness!" The policeman could not respond with any words for quiet a while, with his mouth hanging open. They did not hit her anymore. During her detainment, she held a hunger strike for nine days and was released from imprisonment.

One time, a material site was destroyed; Jing-jing's mother and sister were kidnapped one after the other. Jing-jing went through a painful period of self-blame. When we got together and thought through the painful lesson about the material site being destroyed, she said, "With Master here with us and with the Fa, I will never be intimidated by the evil. This lesson made me find many of my omissions and deeply hidden attachments. I will be clearer in my mind, and with more reason I will be firmer in my faith in Dafa, and advance forward more rapidly with my cultivation."

A lost youth in the past has become a bright Fa-rectification particle today in her cultivation in Dafa.