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Summary of Other Articles and News - 6/18/2003

June 22, 2003


Truths About the Persecution

The Shibalihe Female Labor Camp authorities in Zhenzhou City continue torturing Dafa practitioners. Other than the "Ten Prohibitions," which include no Dafa practice or Fa study, the enforcers order common criminals to monitor and restrict Dafa practitioners' personal freedom. Dafa practitioners are tortured and are forced to do slave labor. They are also given rotten food to eat.

The dark truth inside the Tiantanghe Female Labor Camp in Beijing: the enforcers don't give the practitioners enough food; they brainwash the practitioners daily and don't allow them to sleep. The practitioners can use the restroom only at appointed times. The guards from the dispatch division force the practitioners to write guarantee statements. If the practitioners refuse to comply, they order the drug addicts to brutally beat the practitioners. Some elderly practitioners were bruised all over from the beating, and the guards almost broke the practitioners' fingers with both hands while trying to force them to write the statement. They stuff the practitioners' mouth with dirty rags and they tear out practitioners' hair in bunches.

The depraved guards in the Xinhua Labor Camp, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province force the practitioners to view Dafa-slandering T.V. programs. When practitioner Zhang Zhengjun walked away in protest, guard Zhao Yu slapped his face, stripped off his shirt and tortured him with "tying the rope"1 and shocked him with electric batons. Dafa practitioners wrote a jointly signed letter of protest. The vicious guards then used "tying the rope" on practitioner Wei Lang and shocked him with high-voltage electric batons. In March 2001, the labor camp enforcers held a Dafa-slandering meeting. Dafa practitioners Huang Linchuan and others were brutally tortured because they resisted the evil's persecution of Dafa.

The Shanghai Female Labor Camp authorities use both soft and hard means to force Dafa practitioners to give up their belief, such as ordering collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who went astray from torture and brainwashing] to brainwash the practitioners. They order the practitioners' families and also order other guards to deceive the practitioners, using hypocritical means. Hard means include solitary confinement, sleep deprivation, and heavy workloads, humiliation and physical torture. They often hang practitioners up and don't allow them to go to the restroom, and also commit many other atrocities.

Global Exposure of the Public Trial of Jiang Zemin

Ever since July 20, 1999, former Chinese president Jiang Zemin had begun persecuting hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners who believe in Truth, Compassion Tolerance. This is the most serious terrorist act and the most severe crime against humanity in the world! We ask the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong to charge Jiang and his accomplices inthe international criminal court. We call for the international criminal court to uphold justice in the human world and to pay serious attention to the domestic terrorist acts and human rights and humanitarian disasters that are taking place in China right now. We call on the United Nations Security Council, the international human rights organization, governments and people around the world to extend a helping hand to Falun Gong practitioners and help bring about an immediate halt to Jiang's political villain's group persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China!

In connection with the above-mentioned efforts, on June 14th and June 15th, Dafa practitioners in Atlanta, Georgia/USA clarified the truth and sent forth righteous thoughts in public park(s) to show support for the global public trial of Jiang Zemin.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

Break Away From the Old Force and Leave the Demon's Den With Dignity

On February 13, 2003, police officers abducted me from my home and sent me to a detention center, where I held a hunger strike. I was brutally tortured for it. On March 25th, four of us were sent to a labor camp. Two practitioners were accepted. Another practitioner and I held firmly to a thought that we just won't enter the labor camp and as a result, we were taken back to the detention center because we were found to be in "poor health." On March 27th, police again sent us to a labor camp in handcuffs. During the trip, the police went out for lunch. We sent forth righteous thoughts. The handcuffs opened and the locked car door also opened. Four security officers walked past us and, thanks to Master's arrangements, we dove back into the current of Fa-rectification.

Miraculous Hint in a Dream

I haven't seen practitioner A who was working in another city for nearly a year. I was thinking how to deliver Master's recent articles to him. One evening in early April I saw him in my dream. After I woke up I thought, is Master telling me to meet with him? I tried to call him and he answered the phone. I immediately delivered the new articles to him. He said, "What a coincidence! I was in a hurry and I'm only home today. You wouldn't have found me yesterday. I was planning to leave today, but I couldn't get a train ticket, so I put it off for one day." I told him about the dream I had, and we deeply felt Master's benevolent and never-ceasing salvation.

News From Abroad

On June 14th, Georgia state representative John-Louis held two council meetings in Smyrna and Sandy Spring. Practitioners from Atlanta introduced Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and abroad. Representative John-Louis stated that he has always supported and sympathized with Falun Gong practitioners' acts of justice. He said he would try his best to help Falun Gong practitioners to uphold their human rights. One of the council meetings was held at the Art Institute, Atlanta/Georgia and the school's dean said he will try to make arrangements so a "Journey of Falun Dafa" exhibit can be held as early as possible.

1 Tying the rope: The police tie up the practitioner with a thin rope, circle the rope around his neck, and tie his hands behind his back. Then the police would use all the force they could muster to tighten the rope. The rope becomes tighter and tighter around the body of the practitioner, and makes it more and more difficult for him to breathe. The pain is so intense that the practitioner sometimes loses control of his bladder. There are instances when the rope was tightened enough to break a practitioner's arm.