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Zibo City's Wangcun Forced Labor Camp Personnel Brutally Tortures Determined Dafa Practitioners

June 28, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net June 16, 2003) The Wangcun Forced Labor Camp, currently renamed as Shandong Province's No. 2 Male Forced Labor Camp, is a place dedicated to holding Dafa practitioners in three divisions -- No. 9, No. 10, and No. 11. Determined Dafa practitioners with righteous thoughts are detained in each of the divisions.

In Division No. 11, Deputy Chief Zhang Bo, and Wang Yunping, Wang Li, and others are vicious policemen dedicated to torturing Dafa practitioners. They established a stringently monitored class for practitioners who refuse to be brainwashed. Practitioners held in this class are even restricted from using the washroom more than a few times per day. They are forced to go to sleep later than others inmates, and to get up earlier. They usually stay up till 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and get very little sleep. They are forced to sit on stools for 17 to 18 hours every day. The guards arrange for collaborators [former practitioners who renounced their belief under enormous pressure and torture, are now cooperating with the authorities to persecute and torture genuine practitioners] to monitor and watch practitioners around the clock, and forbid them to speak. They physically abuse practitioners at will, and torture practitioners by shocking them with electric batons, lock them up in solitary confinement, deprive them of the right to sleep, and brutally beat them.

In October 2000, Dafa practitioner Mr. Jiang Mingzhai from Qingdao City was sentenced to forced labor. During the past three years, the lawless enforcers have tortured him non-stop. They have used all kinds of tools and means to administer excruciatingly painful torture, such as subjecting him to electric shocks three separate times already. Each time they used multiple batons with over 10,000 volts each on his body, at the same time. Even this kind of vicious means couldn't shake the practitioner's determined righteous thoughts. The police/guards even ordered some collaborators to take turns to humiliate, beat, and curse him, and prevent him from sleeping around the clock, over a long period of time. They turned a man in his 40's, who obtained a very healthy body from practicing Dafa, into a skeleton. As the practitioner has been forced to sit on a stool in a fixed posture for a long period of time, his back is bent now and he is in poor health. This Dafa practitioner survived numerous sleepless nights under these extremely horrible conditions by maintaining a determined heart in the Fa, a heart of being responsible to the Fa, and a heart of being responsible to offering salvation to all sentient beings.

Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Liming from Weifang City resisted the evil persecution with righteous thoughts and righteous actions after being sentenced to forced labor. As the labor camp personnel failed to brainwash him after a long period of time, they sent him to a female forced labor camp to receive crueler torture. They forced him to stand in a fixed position day and night, and they beat, cursed and humiliated him at will. In the female labor camp Mr. Zhao was treated as a "diehard" and was tortured with excruciating means. He was forced to sit on a stool for 17 to 18 hours every day. The practitioner was tortured both physically and mentally. However, his strong righteous thoughts didn't waver a bit despite the excruciating torture administered by the vicious personnel.

Because Dafa practitioner Mr. Ji Xizheng refused to be brainwashed, the vicious police instigated a group of collaborators, including Yan Hongjun, to drag him into a storage room, push him against a cabinet, and beat him up badly. The practitioner was seriously injured in many places, and suffered fractured ribs. Only when his body was deeply gouged onto the cabinet did the guards allow the collaborators to stop.

In this camp, the police/guards use excruciating means on Dafa practitioners at will. Many practitioners here have been tortured to disability or even death, only because they refuse to give in. Among them was Dafa practitioner Mr. Zou Songtao, a postgraduate from Ocean University.

Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Xinwen was dragged by several policemen, and put into solitary confinement especially for electric shock punishment. The room has no windows and is pitch-dark inside. The lawless personnel stripped off his clothes, handcuffed him, and shocked him with multiple jolts of a 10,000 volt baton at the same time, on his palms, arches of his feet, neck, and face. Mr. Wang's body was seriously burned in many places. Some practitioners even had the electric baton forcibly inserted into their mouths, resulting in burns and blisters all over their mouth. Other practitioners staged hunger strikes to protest the evil persecution and were thus inhumanely handcuffed and hung from an iron door, with their toes hardly touching the ground. Dafa practitioner Piao Qingjin was tortured so seriously, both physically and mentally, that he is still unable to speak.

Dafa practitioners Che Qicong, Chu Xingong, Sun Zhonghua, and Wang Yingwu are all graduate students. Since they started their cultivation practice, they have always worked diligently and responsibly. However, they lost their personal freedom and are being tortured daily, both physically and mentally, in this labor camp, only because they believe in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" and spoke the truth, "Falun Dafa is Good!"

These are stories only about a few Dafa practitioners I know personally. There are more practitioners who are being tortured and persecuted by these vicious perpetrators. I appeal to people of all circles in the world community to uphold justice, to extend your helping hands, and to help these Dafa practitioners to escape from the evil dens, return to society, and contribute their intellect. I call upon all Dafa practitioners to collectively send righteous thoughts to help eliminate the evil forces' persecution against them.