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Details of the Illegal Arrest of Harbin Dafa Practitioners Gao Pengyun, Yin Hong, Huang Yanying and Si Kuangyuan

June 3, 2003


On February 6, 2002, at about 5 o'clock in the evening, Gao Pengyun (female), Yin Hong (female), Huang Yanying (female), and Si Kuangyuan (male) were arrested by policemen Yuan Weijei, Fan Jiayuan and a policewoman of the Division One of Harbin City Police Department, as they exited the Hate Shopping Center on West Dazhi Street, in the Nangang District of Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. At that time streets were full of people, all of whom witnessed this scene. The policemen were not wearing their uniforms, nor did they display their identification cards. They demanded that the Dafa practitioners show their identification, and then forced the practitioners into a waiting taxi, which sped off toward the Quxian Police Station in Nangang District. The policemen still did not show any identification; instead, they demanded the practitioners' names, but the practitioners did not cooperate at all. The practitioners were then blindfolded, and taken to an apartment building on Hongzhuan Street in Daoli District. (The police department has permanently rented two apartments in this building.) The policemen bound the practitioners individually to chairs and handcuffed them. These four practitioners resisted by refusing to eat or drink for forty-eight hours. After holding the practitioners for two days without any legal procedures, the police again blindfolded the practitioners' and then took them to the Harbin 2nd Detention Center and imprisoned them there illegally. After forty days, Gao Pengyun was released after she paid 3000 Yuan as bail. The other three practitioners, Yin Hong, Huang Yanying, and Si Kuangyun, were all illegally sentenced to labor camps. Yin Hong and Huang Yanying are currently imprisoned in the Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin.

Policeman Ma Bosong even extorted money from those practitioners' families, which he spent for personal pleasure.

Ms. Yin Hong, 28, from Huachuan County, Heilongjiang Province, is a college graduate.

Ms. Huan Yanying, 26, from Hulan County, Heilongjiang Province, a college student, was dismissed from Jiamusi University because she exercised her constitutionally-protected right to appeal for Falun Dafa in Beijing.

Policemen from the Division One of Harbin City Police Department who arrested the Dafa practitioners are: Ren (full name unknown), the head of the police department, about 50 years old; Section Chief Yuan Weijie, about 38; Ma Bosong, about 38; Fan Jiayuan, about 32; and Wang Feng, who oversaw the illegal arrest.
