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Falun Gong Practitioners in Toronto Experience the Mighty Power of One Body Fa-rectification

June 3, 2003 |   By a practitioner in Toronto

(Clearwisdom.net May 26, 2003)

On May 24, 2003, the Chinese Consulate in Toronto held a banquet at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown to welcome the new Consul Chen Xiaoling. They invited about five hundred people from all walks of life in the Chinese community. Upon hearing this news, Toronto practitioners felt it was a good opportunity to clarify the truth to the overseas Chinese as well as the newly arrived Consul to prevent her from committing wrongdoing out of ignorance.

A practitioner wrote a letter to Chen Xiaoling to welcome her and express the hope that she would deal with Falun Gong issues with compassion and justice during her tenure. Two practitioners who were reporters decided to hand deliver this letter to the new Consul.

When these two practitioners went to the restaurant, they saw most of the guests were already present. The new Consul was giving a speech. When one of the practitioners who was reporting on the event took out her video camera to take pictures, the Chinese Consulate's staff recognized her as a Falun Gong practitioner and rushed over. Declaring that they had not invited this reporter, they demanded she leave immediately, and other practitioners reporting on the event with her were driven out of the restaurant.

We understood that the officials were frightened to see Falun Gong practitioners, because the evil is scared to be exposed, and that we should immediately expose any wrongdoing. We quickly phoned our fellow practitioners to come right away and send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth. It was already past 8:30 pm, and many practitioners who live far away had just returned home from the 7 o'clock sending forth righteous thoughts at the Chinese Consulate. Still, all the practitioners who got the news came immediately. A fellow practitioner who made banners brought ten big colourful banners.

Although people were constantly patrolling outside the restaurant, all practitioners were very peaceful and calm. We joined together to send forth righteous thoughts. When we finished sending forth righteous thoughts, it was already 9:30, and people started to leave the restaurant. Several dozen practitioners stood quietly outside and unfurled the large banners.

Someone in the restaurant went to report the news immediately. In front of the storefront across the street, a nervous crowd gathered. Several people who had helped spread lies to defame Falun Gong for Jiang's regime over the years appeared to be ready to rush to the restaurant. Every practitioner on the scene remained very calm. Some practitioners declared: "Falun Dafa is good." Some practitioners proclaimed: "The heavenly law does not allow the persecution of Falun Gong." Some pleaded: "Please consider your own future. " while others stated: "The persecution of Falun Gong is unjust." Two male practitioners stood on either side of the door, smiling and handing out truth-clarifying materials. They said: "You're welcome to read the truth about the persecution." A fellow practitioner who has a large circle of friends in the Chinese community offered to shake hands and greet the guests he knew very naturally and warmly, while practitioners on the other side of the road concentrated on sending forth righteous thoughts. Seeing all this, the few people across the street who had been in a rage retreated.

We continued to clarify the truth this way to everyone who came out of the restaurant. That field was very peaceful and righteous. Even most of those who passed us were also very kind. Some of them deliberately slowed down to hear what we said. Some people came up to accept our materials, while others came to greet us. Some held up their thumbs, saying "Falun Gong, Falun Gong." and others said: "I support you." When interviewed, some revealed: "Actually, I am very sympathetic with you." We continued until we saw off the last guest. Among them, the new Consul passed us without even raising her head, escorted by dozens of gentlemen. That so-called Chinese leader, who has been attacking Falun Gong for the past four years, was, with great difficulty, also escorted through us by a group of people.

All the practitioners who participated felt very happy. Out of the unified wish to save sentient beings, we had very good co-operation. What is one body? What is co-operation? Within one short hour, each of us had our own understanding. Actually when we appeared there as one body, the evils in the other dimensions had already been completely eliminated.