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Be Strict with Yourself and Melt into the Fa

June 3, 2003 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in China


Our Teacher tells us that in the process of our cultivation, the part of us that has completed cultivation has been separated from our surface layer. With the development of the Fa-rectification and our continuous cultivation, in our surface layer the human stuff is becoming less and less. Teacher recently told us very clearly:

"The massive force of Fa-rectification has now arrived at the outermost surface of this human dimension, and it has arrived at the outermost surface of the human skin." ("Lecturing on and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference")

My understanding is that when our hearts are in a very pure state and we have strong righteous thoughts, our surface layers, too, should be in a God-like state. The divine power the Fa has bestowed upon us has gradually manifested in the most surface dimension; however, under the influence of our human way of thinking we cannot clearly realize it. This is because what has manifested in the surface dimension is also in line with the principles of the surface dimension.

When we reach this state, the Fa will set a higher standard for us. Since we are still in the human-level surface dimension, we still have this last bit of human stuff. Teacher told us in the past that Gods cannot handle themselves with human thinking; otherwise they would drop down. Therefore, now that the Fa-rectification has come to the last stage, we must be very strict with ourselves. In the process of rectifying the Fa, we must study the Fa well, assimilate to the Fa and maintain ourselves in the pure state of melting into the Fa. This is because our enlightened sides will not intermingle with an impure surface which displays very strong human notions and conduct.

This is my personal understanding from studying the Fa. Please point out my mistakes.