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Abducted by Police: Practitioner Yang Shuxiang, a Teacher from Weifang Medical College in Shandong Province (phone numbers included)

June 4, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 18, 2003, Yang Shuxiang, female, 38 years old, a teacher from Weifang Medical College, was abducted and taken to a brainwashing center in Weifang City Industry Cadre School by Kuiwen District police Liu Xiaowei, Weifang Medical College Security Section Chief Wen Qingjiang, and deputy Party Secretary of Kong Xuefeng (phone number 86-536-2992560) from the College's Management Department. The police from the "610 Office"* tried to brainwash her, forcing her to watch videos that slander Falun Gong and to listen to the nonsense of the former practitioners who went astray due to persecution. The officials from the "610 Office" said, "Except transformation, you have no other ways but death," "You will never be able to go home if you refuse transformation," and "If this place cannot transform you, you will be sent to the labor camp. If the labor camp cannot transform you, you will be sent to prison."

She had been very healthy before. But under the tremendous mental pressure in the period of more than half a month, her blood pressure has risen to 200/140 mmHg. Even so, the "610 office" officials, including Secretary Song, Director Kou, Li Tongkui, Guo Lidong, Lou Jinhong and others, still do not let her go home. Her 11-year-old daughter and husband are very worried about her life.

Weifang Medical College President, 86-536-2992262, 86-536-2992226

Management Department Office, 86-536-2992251

*"610 Office" is a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches

May 26, 2003