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The Crimes of Zhangjiakou City "610 Office" Director Ma Fuwei and His Associates

June 4, 2003


Ma Fuwei is the head of the Zhangjiakou City "610 Office."* Ma, along with some other officials, have arrested practitioners Ms. Bai Yinglian, Ms. Wang Fengyi, Liu Jianjun, Wang Xiaoming and others. The practitioners have been sentenced to jail and labor camps, where their terms have been extended arbitrarily.

1. The city's "610 Office" is headed by Ma Fuwei and Yan Zhiyou. Ma is the former vice chief of the Qiaodong Police Sub-department. He was promoted to the vice director of Zhangjiakou City Police Department for his "achievement" in persecuting Dafa practitioners. Yan is the chief of the Qiaodong Police Sub-department.

Ma and Yan ignored the law and followed Jiang's orders to take away people's freedom of speech and belief. They have persecuted and tortured Dafa practitioners for the past four years. According to the law, detention centers can only hold people for up to 37 days. In the following 5 cases, the perpetrators illegally abducted the practitioners and then held them in detention centers for extended periods, well past the legal limit. Arbitrary and groundless kidnapping is a serious crime in any country.

2. Director of Shisanli Detention Center Cui Weidong, Director of Xuanhua Detention Center Qin Baozhu, and the guards in the two detention centers worked with Ma Fuwei and Yan Zhiyou in their illegal abduction, detention, and sentencing of practitioners. They illegally detained practitioners like Wang Fengyi (female), Wang Xinyu, Zhang Xiaojun (female), Zheng Meiying (female), Liu Zhaohong (female), Liu Zhaohui, An Liqing, Bai Yinglian (female), Yi Weiping, Wu Zhaolin, Liu Jianjun, Guo Shuying (female), Hu Shuhua (female), and Wang Xiaoming for periods well past the 37-day limit.

Details of persecution:

Practitioner Wang Fengyi, female, 47 years old. She lives on South Mingde Street, Zhangjiakou City, and works at the Electrical Switch Company in that city. On May 9, 2002, Wang was arrested at another practitioner's home. Instructed by Ma Fuwei and Yan Zhiyou, some guards from Qiaodong Police Sub-department abducted Wang and tortured her: they threatened her and tried to extort a confession from her during illegal interrogations, kept her awake for long periods of time, shocked her with electric batons, and tortured her with the "tiger bench" [an instrument of torture in which one is forced to sit on a small iron bench with the knees tightly tied to the bench and hands tied behind the back. Usually some hard objects are inserted underneath the lower legs to make it even harder to bear the pain, see illustration at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/11/24/16156.html]. Since her arrest a year ago, she has been illegally held at Xuanhua Detention Center.

Practitioner An Liqing, male, 38 years old. He lives in Mengguying District of Zhangjiakou City, and is a taxi driver. On May 9, 2002, An was arrested at another practitioner's home. Instructed by Ma Fuwei and Yan Zhiyou, some guards from Qiaodong Police Sub-department abducted and tortured An using the same methods they used on Wang Fengyi. An was later held at Shisanli Detention Center. The perpetrators also took away his taxi (worth over 60,000 Yuan) and extorted 5,000 Yuan in cash from him.** In August 2002, the persecutors sent him to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in the Baoding Area. At present, An is still being held there.

Practitioner Zheng Meiying, female, 38 years old. On May 9, 2002, Zheng was arrested at another practitioner's home. Instructed by Ma Fuwei and Yan Zhiyou, some guards from Qiaodong Police Sub-department abducted and tortured her using the same methods they used on Wang Fengyi. She has been illegally held at Shisanli Detention Center since her arrest.

Practitioner Liu Zhaohui, male, 28 years old. He lives in Shacheng Town, Zhangjiakou City. Practitioner Liu Zhaohong, female, Liu Zhaohui's sister, 25 years old, also from Shacheng Town, Zhangjiakou City. The siblings were arrested from their home on May 9, 2002. Instructed by Ma Fuwei and Yan Zhiyou, some guards from Qiaodong Police Sub-department tortured them using the same methods mentioned above. They have been held at Shisanli Detention Center for a year now.

Practitioner Wang Xinyu, male, 34 years old. He lives on Gongye Street, Zhangjiakou City, and he works at the Industrial and Business bank of Zhangjiakou City. Practitioner Zhang Xiaojun, Wang Xinyu's wife, is 34 years old. She also works at the Industrial and Business bank of Zhangjiakou City. They were arrested on May 9, 2002 and tortured the same way as the above practitioners. Wang Xinyu has been held at Shisanli Detention Center for a year now. Zhang Xiaojun was sent to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in the Baoding Area and is still being detained there.

Practitioner Yi Weiping, male, 36 years old. He lives in Xibagang, Qiaoxi District of Zhangjiakou City, and he works at the Metals Company of Zhangjiakou City. Practitioner Bai Yinglian, his wife, is 36 years old. She works at the Zhangjiakou City Business Bureau. On October 7, 2002, Li Jingyun (director of the Zhangjiakou City Police Department) and Ma Fuwei, cooperating with the State Security Bureau sent out over 700 guards to search for the couple. On Dajingmen Street, they were abducted and brought to the Qiaoxi Police Sub-department, where, for over a month, they used all kinds of methods to torture them: shocking with electric batons, hanging them up and beating them, beating them with batons, sleep deprivation, using the "tiger bench," etc. In mid-November, the perpetrators sent the couple to Shisanli Detention Center, where they have been held since.

In order to arrest Bai Yinglian and Yi Weiping, Li Jingyun and Ma Fuwei illegally detained Bai's brother for over two weeks. Bai's brother's children were also taken away from their home for many days, during which the perpetrators threatened, cursed, beat, and lied to them for information.

Practitioner Wu Zhaolin, male, 36 years old. He lives in the No. 2720 Army Residence. He is a doctor of internal medicine. On October 8, 2002, Wu went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. He was illegally abducted and sent back to Zhangjiakou City by the police in Beijing. Since his return, he has been held at Shisanli Detention Center.

Practitioner Liu Jianjun, male, 40 years old. He lives on Donghe Street, in Qiaodong District. On October 8, 2002, Liu went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. He was illegally abducted and sent back to Zhangjiakou City by the police guards in Beijing. Yan Zhiyou and Ma Fuwei sent him to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding Area. In the labor camp, the guards forced him to do heavy labor for up to18 hours a day. The persecutors brutally tortured him with all sorts of methods: two of Liu's ribs were broken during the torture, and his fingers became crippled. He has been detained in the labor camp since October 2000.

Practitioner Hu Shuhua, female, in her 40's. She lives on Hanqiao Street, Zhangjiakou City, and she works at the Dida Shopping Center. At around 7 AM on October 2, 2002, when Hu was buying breakfast for her paralyzed mother (In June 2001, guards from Shenjiatun Police Station of Zhangjiakou City searched the home of Hu Shuhua and her sister. Their mother was so traumatized she became paralyzed.), Ma Fuwei and some guards from Xinhua Street Police Station illegally abducted her and sent her to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in the Baoding Area. At the time, the labor camp refused to take Hu. Ma Fuwei bribed the guards to keep her. Since then, she has been illegally detained in the labor camp.

Practitioner Guo Shuying, female, 45 years old. She lives in Yanjiatun, Zhangjiakou City. In February of 2002, guards from Shenjiatun Police Station illegally abducted her while she was putting up truth-clarifying materials. Since then, she has been detained at the Shisanli Detention Center.

Practitioner Wang Xiaoming, female, 54 years old. She works in the Office of the People's Representatives of Zhangjiakou City, and lives in the work unit's residence area. In December 2000, Wang went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. She was illegally abducted and sent back to Zhangjiakou City by the police in Beijing. After her return, Ma Fuwei and Yan Zhiyou illegally held her at Xuanhua Detention Center for 2 years. In 2002, the perpetrators illegally sentenced Wang to 3 years in jail and sent her to Baoding City Women's Prison, where she is still being detained.

There is ample evidence of the crimes committed by Ma Fuwei, Yan Zhiyou, Cui Weidong, Qin Baozhu, and their associates. We hope that the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" can bring the above criminals to justice. We will bring other lawsuits against the above criminals regarding other crimes committed against other, numerous, Dafa practitioners.

*The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.

*Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.
