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Vancouver Falun Gong Practitioners hold 24-Hour Hunger Strike Appeal in Front of Chinese Consulate Asking for Immediate Release of Charles Li (Photos)

June 4, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 1st 2003 Vancouver Falun Gong practitioners held a 24-hour hunger strike appeal in front of the Chinese Consulate, requesting the Chinese government to release American Citizen Charles Li immediately and to bring Jiang to justice for his persecution and genocide of Falun Gong practitioners.

When they heard the news that Dr. Charles Li went on hunger strike to protest the illegal detention and persecution, Vancouver Falun Gong practitioners decided to send forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese Consulate from 9am June 1st to 9am June 2nd and held a 24-hour hunger strike to support Charles Li and request the Chinese government to release Charles Li immediately. They also called for a global public trial of Jiang for his crime of genocide against Falun Gong practitioners in China.

The illegal imprisonment of Charles Li is the extension of persecution of Falun Gong to overseas Falun Gong practitioners. It is a clear violation of human rights justice. If the international community can do nothing to stop the Chinese regime from arbitrarily detaining and persecuting an innocent American citizen, the outcome will be very serious.

The practitioners' action was to remind the people of the world to be aware of the genocidal crimes Jiang's regime is committing in China. They also hope more people will join the effort to save Dr. Charles Li and stop the violence from spreading and escalating.