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Vancouver: CTV News Clip on Hunger Strike in Front of Chinese Consulate (Video)

June 4, 2003

June 2, 2003

BCCTV (British Columbia Canadian Television Network)

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Dozens of Falun Gong practitioners took over the sidewalk outside of the Chinese [Consulate] in Vancouver today to stage a hunger strike. They are protesting the imprisonment of an American Falun Gong practitioner in China.

[Practiitoner] "We believe that this persecution is not only a persecution of innocent people, but a persecution of the nature of the universe, a persecution of you and me."

They've gathered to meditate and fast for 24 hours to support the American Dr. Charles Li who has been in jail since January. Protesters hope the event will bring attention to his plight. [Practitioner] "... give a voice to the people who have no voice, and to support Charles Li as much as we can, who has completely denied access to outside information."

Falun Gong practices meditation and exercises that were outlawed in China four years ago.