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Corvallis Gazette-Times: As I See It: Former Dictator Of China Doesn't Deserve Immunity

June 4, 2003 |   BY HONG LINER

Tuesday, June 3, 2003


On October 18, 2002, individual plaintiffs filed a class action lawsuit in United States District Court of the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division against Jiang Zemin, formerly the dictator of China, and against the Falun Gong Control Office ("Office 610"). The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Falun Gong practitioners in China and in the United States. For specific causes of action. Pleaded in the complaint are torture and genocide. Also included in the charges is the conspiracy to commit violations of civil rights within the jurisdiction of the U.S.

Ever since the lawsuit was filed, the Jiang's defense has placed tremendous pressure on the U.S. government. They are trying to coerce the U.S. government into interfering with the U.S. legal system so that the lawsuit is dismissed on the grounds that Jiang is a head of state and, as such, possesses diplomatic immunity. It is important to note that Jiang, since last March, is no longer head of state. Additionally, war criminals like Yugoslavia's Milosevik were held responsible by international law for their deeds of genocide notwithstanding their official status.

Jiang's gang of political scoundrels banned Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. Over the past four years, they have carried out a most vicious persecution, including willful imprisonment, extortion, brainwashing, brutal torture, maltreatment in psychiatric hospitals, rape and even murder.

The regime headed by Jiang and his successors is full of corruption and degradation. It has brought about enormous harm to the Chinese people. Such a regime brings only shame to China and the Chinese people, and they absolutely cannot represent China in the same way that Hitler's gang of Nazis could not represent Germany.

The lawsuit launched by Falun Gong practitioners and Friends of Falun Gong (FoFG) in the United States against Jiang is an act of upholding the morality and conscience of humanity, something that the kind, just people and governments of the world will identify with and support. I urge the U.S. government and people to support the Falun Gong practitioners and help end this genocide in China by bringing Jiang Zemin and his gang to justice.

This would assure us that the founding principles of freedom and human rights of the United States are continually valued and cherished.

Hong Liner of Corvallis is a facilities planner at Oregon State University.
