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Practitioners in Germany Appeal to "Free Xiong Wei and Our Family and Friends in China" (Photos)

June 4, 2003 |   By Dafa Practitioners in Germany

(Clearwisdom.net) The annual Africa Day Celebration was held in the famous southern German city of Freiburg. Many visitors gathered in the city from different places. We started a 4-week signature collection campaign themed "Free Xiong Wei and Our Family and Friends in China." It is the first signature collection effort we have initiated with the theme of rescuing our family members.

Many people sign their names to support Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained in China

Visitors carefully read information on Photo exhibits.

Many people expressed their desire to support us once they saw the photo exhibit and heard practitioners' explanation. Some said, "We must help." A teacher from a language school said she would discuss with Chinese students more the situation of the persecution of Falun Gong in her class.

We will deliver the signatures to International Human Rights Organizations in Germany and will help to convey the German people's wishes to their government.