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A Camera Refuses to Do Evil

June 5, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) May 28th report: a handwritten sign, "Falun Dafa is Good," appeared in a residential neighborhood. The head of the street committee had a camera and tried to take a picture of the words, and then send the picture to the police department. When he tried to take the picture, the camera didn't work, so he thought maybe it was broken. But when he tried to take pictures of people, the camera worked. When he again tried to take picture of the words, the camera again stopped working. He tried several times, but he couldn't take a single picture of these words. He realized he should not do such a bad thing. In the evening, he thought the incident was very strange and he couldn't go to sleep.

The next day he said to people, "Falun Dafa is too miraculous. Let's not report this to the police department."

May 28, 2003