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Look for Reasons Within, Don't Give the Old Forces Any Chance to Interfere

June 5, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I met a fellow practitioner two days ago. He said that his cultivation state had not been so good for a couple of days and he had experienced some interference. When he realized that, he made some adjustments in himself and corrected his cultivation state. I felt happy for him after I heard that. During the cultivation process, we may have interference here and there and sometimes it may occur that our cultivation states are not as we expected. Before, when I experienced this situation myself, I always thought that my cultivation state would automatically correct itself over time. But on every occasion it took a long time for my cultivation state to improve. Then the condition would recur again later. I shared my experiences with fellow practitioners and realized that when I have interference, I should not just passively endure it. I should find out where my problem is and what the root of it is. I should understand the problem, including why it happened to me and how can I correct it. Then I can adjust myself to correct the condition.

This reminded me of another fellow practitioner. He had written a "guarantee letter"* in a brainwashing center. Every time when I asked him about if he wanted to write a solemn declaration, he said that he knew he was wrong, but he still did not want to write the declaration because he felt that his cultivation state was not good. He wanted to wait until his cultivation state improved before he would write his announcement. Some fellow practitioners think that doing Dafa work when their cultivation states are not good may have an adverse effect. Some practitioners always have the thought that, "My cultivation state is not good enough; if I do Dafa work now, I may cause a bad result." This thought becomes an excuse for them not do Dafa work, or do it less often. It should not be this way. First, we should not wait or depend on our situation to be improved. In fact, this is looking for help from the outside. The old forces use practitioners' attachments to interfere with them. Even practitioners in relatively good cultivation states are interfered with, the old forces using the practitioners' remaining attachments to prevent them from improving. When practitioners' states started to improve, the old forces would keep interfering with them. So we cannot passively wait for our cultivation states to improve through external circumstances. We should follow what Master has taught us in the Fa to look for the reasons within. When we find our own shortcomings, and correct them, our cultivation states will naturally improve.

The above is my personal understanding, please benevolently point out any mistakes.

*Guarantee letter -- Practitioners are coerced under brainwashing and torture to write these as proof that they have given up their belief and will never again practice Falun Gong. Created by the "610 Office".

May 25, 2003