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Prison Guard Extols the Dignity of a Dafa Practitioner: "Nobody Dares to Beat Someone Like Him"

June 7, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) At the 2001 Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference, Master said, "While suffering tribulations and enduring the agony of the persecution, the students inside China have been informing sentient beings of the truth, which has demonstrated that the Great Enlightened Beings are performing magnificent feats before they are born."

In 2002, while I was in prison, my fellow inmates all told me about a fellow practitioner's deeds in harmonizing and rectifying the Fa. Those that have righteous thoughts about Dafa as well as those that are deceived by evils have both demonstrated extreme admiration for this practitioner.

He had been transferred from another jail because he went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution. He didn't listen to or cooperate with any orders from the jail guards, and he sent forth righteous thoughts in the lotus position from the very beginning. He held his palm upright whenever he chose to, and the same was true with the Big Lotus Flower Hand Sign. During the time of his detention, aside from when they were force-feeding him, as long as he had freedom, he would fold up both his legs, and never take a break. When he was being force-fed, no matter how much pain he was in, or how much he was bleeding, or how badly the force-feeding damaged his throat, he didn't even say a word. His faith was steadfast and unshakable, like diamond. People surrounding him would only feel his all-encompassing forbearance. If someone asked him, "What are you doing here?" he would say, "I am here to save you." Aside from clarifying the truth with the dignity of a Dafa practitioner, he had nothing else to say. Nobody could disturb him; he just continuously sent forth righteous thoughts, and his whole life seemed to be assimilated with righteous thoughts. Within one week, the prison guard in charge had to transfer him elsewhere. When those who had contact with him were asked if they had ever beaten him, inmates replied: "Who would dare to touch him? Nobody dares to beat someone like him."

May 27, 2003