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"Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation" Holds Rally and Parade in Brisbane, Australia (Photos)

June 7, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) June 4 report: On Sunday, June 1, 2003, the "Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation" held a rally and parade in Brisbane, Australia, peacefully protesting Hong Kong's Article 23 Legislation. Members from several organizations participated in the rally held on Rome Street. Speakers included representatives from the "Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation," Falun Gong, Taiwanese social groups, and a Public Medical Health Care Coalition. A doctor from the Public Medical Health Care Coalition used her personal experience working with the SARS epidemic to explain that Hong Kong's pro-Beijing Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa and the Legislative Council are imposing the so-called anti-subversion law, and how it will harm Hong Kong and the world.

The major media in Australia have not reported much on Article 23 legislation, so the majority of the Australian people, including many political figures, know little about this matter. However, Article 23 will directly affect the interests of Australia, Australian business people who do business with Hong Kong, Hong Kong citizens who live in Australia and Australian people who travel to Hong Kong, because the law directly damages the "One Country, Two System" policy that was originally set up for protecting Hong Kong's rights and interests and freedom. Article 23 endangers the whole world.

The rally and parade was to expose lies so that people could see more clearly the seriousness of the issue. The theme of the rally and parade was "Exposing lies, Saving lives." However, once Article 23 legislation is passed and made law, exposing lies in Hong Kong will be subjected to persecution or detention as now happens in Mainland China.

Speakers discussed how the legislation would hinder freedom of information, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of belief. Organizations such as Falun Gong, the Roman Catholic church, Christian groups that have not been government approved, democracy and human rights organizations may be banned due to the enactment of Article 23 legislation. The police will be permitted to arbitrarily arrest and detain anyone without a warrant or reasonable excuses and without defense from a lawyer. Under such a law, travelers in Hong Kong may be involved.

Speakers also discussed how Jiang used lies to cover up the SARS epidemic for more than five months so that the virus spread to Hong Kong and other countries, causing great damage to people's lives and economic development. At this time, Hong Kong alerts the world to the danger, but if Article 23 legislation is passed, Hong Kong's SARS epidemic could also be covered up. Article 23 legislation will introduce the totalitarian ruling of the Mainland into Hong Kong.

The rally concluded with a touching song, "Freedom." The activity attracted many independent media representatives, including Queensland University Journalist Major students, an independent media in Queensland and a reporter from Holland. They covered the activity, took many photos and conducted interviews.

Attendees participated in a one-hour parade marching through downtown. There were several large banners and dozens of sign boards with the words, "Oppose Article 23," "Protest Jiang regime's persecution of innocent people," "Jiang Zemin is Being Sued" and "Exposing Jiang regime's lies."

During the rally and parade, many people wore masks bearing words such as "No Article 23," showing that the Jiang regime deceived people with lies in terms of the SARS epidemic, Article 23 legislation, persecution of innocent people and many other aspects. The deception may soon spread to Hong Kong.

A thousand flyers were passed out during the parade. In addition, several thousand flyers were handed out exposing the truth of Article 23 legislation to citizens.

Speaker from "Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation" exposes the true nature of Article 23. A speaker discusses freedom of belief
A speaker from the medical field A speaker represents Taiwan citizens
Banners in parade Signs in Chinese