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Slovakia: Practitioners Appeal at Chinese Embassy in Bratislava and Visit a Foreign Ministry Representative (Photos)

June 7, 2003 |   By a Practitioner from Slovakia

(Clearwisdom.net June 7, 2003) On June 4th 2003, practitioners from Slovakia and Austria met in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava to send forth righteous thoughts and appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in China. They were joined by Mrs. Dai Zhizhen, whose husband was tortured to death because he practiced Falun Gong, and her daughter, Fadu. Many passers-by read the leaflets we handed out, looked at the banners and watched the peaceful exercises. Fadu also happily ran around and gave out leaflets to passers-by.

Appealing in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava
Ms. Dai Zhizhen and her daughter Fadu
Candlelight vigil

The next day, one of the major Slovak newspapers published an article about Mrs. Dai and the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Mrs. Dai also visited a human rights representative from the Slovak foreign ministry, who expressed an understanding of her situation and the opinion that human rights are not a private state matter, but something that should be addressed on an international level.
