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Latest News from China - 05/28/2003

June 7, 2003


  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Mr. Guo Kai from the Wuchang Vehicle Factory is in Critical Danger Following Torture at the Qingling Detention Center
  • [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Dafa Practitioners Wang Ping and Li Ziran Have Been Staging a Hunger Strike for Over Twenty Days
  • [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Illegal Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Mingyan
  • [Chongqing City] Dafa Practitioners from Chongqing University, Including the Gu Jiushou Couple, Are Forcibly Arrested
  • [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Chen Zhishen from Hewan Village, Beiguan Street Administrative Office, Weicheng District is Sent to the Brainwashing Center in Weifang City's Industrial Leaders College.
  • [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Jiang Moves to Weihai City
  • [Fujian Province] Following Torture, Practitioner Zhang Zhaoli Righteously Walks Out of the Rujiang Forced Labor Camp
  • [Kaiping City, Guangdong Province] Persecution against Practitioner Mr. Liang Xiaoying and His Parents
  • [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Are Forced to Eat Rotten Food
  • [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Zhang Yuhua Is Detained at the Bayuquan No. 3 Center
  • [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Eliminate This New Round of Persecution against Practitioners with Righteous Thoughts
  • [Pingdingshan City, Henan Province] Illegal Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wei Chenghe
  • [Pingdingshan City, Henan Province] Three Year Illegal Prison Sentence for Dafa Practitioner Lu Xia, from Duandian Village, Liangwa Town, Lushan County
  • [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioner Hou Shuqiu was Illegally Arrested
  • [Jieyang City, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioners Lin Shaofang, Wu Kaitao and Cai Are Illegally Held at Jieyang City's No. 1 Detention Center
  • [Jieyang City, Guangdong Province] After the No. 2 Detention Center Tortured a Dafa Practitioner to Death, it has been Closed in Fear of Punishment for the Crime
  • [Chongqing City] Large Sum of Money Extorted from Dafa Practitioners in the Beibei District from Jingguan Town
  • [Pingdingshan City, Henan Province] The City's Daily Newspaper Frames Falun Gong

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Mr. Guo Kai from the Wuchang Vehicle Factory is in Critical Danger Following Torture at the Qingling Detention Center

In April 2002, personnel from the No. 1 Section of the Wuhan City Police Department forcibly arrested Dafa practitioner Mr. Guo Kai and detained him at the Qingling Detention Center. Because of the inhumane torture during his detention, Guo Kai contracted, and was diagnosed with severe liver illness. Two weeks ago he was sent to a hospital in the Ziyanghu District. The hospital authorities have issued a "critically ill" notice.

Even though he is in serious condition, personnel from the Security Section of the Wuchang Vehicle Factory refused Guo Kai's parents' request to pick up their son to take him back home. The family's poor financial circumstances do not allow them to pay for the hospitalization, and yet, they continue to detain Guo Kai in the hospital, and forbid him to go home. They forced his elderly retired parents, who have very little income, to pay all the medical expenses, nearly 10,000 Yuan1. We hope people from all walks of life pay attention to this matter.

[Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Dafa Practitioners Wang Ping and Li Ziran Have Been Staging a Hunger Strike for Over Twenty Days

According to the latest information, practitioners Wang Ping and Li Ziran have been staging a hunger strike for over 20 days. Police are now force-feeding them every day. They have been transferred from the Pingjiang Detention Center to the Rongjiawan Detention Center. The main person responsible for persecuting them is Guo Shengxiang, Division Chief from the Yueyang County National Security Bureau in Yueyang City. His phone numbers are: 86-730-666550 (office), 86-13873066518 (cell phone).

[Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Illegal Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Mingyan

Since their home was ransacked on April 23, 2003, Ms. Li Mingyan and her husband have been living away from home to avoid further persecution. The police, however, have not called an end to this matter and have been searching for them everywhere. At around 5:00 p.m. on May 23, 2003, Ms. Li Mingyan, rode her bicycle to Lalatun Village, Jinjiao Township, Lianshan District and clarified the facts of Falun Gong to the villagers. Certain village officials arrested her and reported her to a local police station by cell phone. A few minutes later, Li Mingyan was forcibly put into a police car and taken away. That same night she was sent to the Huludao City Detention Center.

After investigating, we obtained the telephone numbers of the persecuting units:
Jinjiao Township Police Station: 86-429-2602543;
Lalatun Village Government: 86-429-2650679;
Duty Office of the City Detention Center: 86-429-3960813;
Political Committee Office of the City Detention Center: 86-429-3960806;
Municipal Political & Security Section: 86-429-2170225.

[Chongqing City] Dafa Practitioners from Chongqing University, Including the Gu Jiushou Couple, Are Forcibly Arrested

On or around May 9, 2003, police broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Mr. Gu Jiushou from Chongqing University and abducted Mr. Gu Jiushou, his wife Ms. Lei Xiaorong, and another practitioner, Ms. Yu Xingzhen. They also ransacked Mr. Gu's home. At present, their situation is unknown.

On the morning of May 13, 2003, personnel from the Jingguan Town Police Station went to Dafa practitioner couple Ms. Liu Lairu and Mr. Wang Huifu's home to arrest them. When Liu Lairu, who was outside the house, saw the police, it was too late to secure Dafa materials. Police arrested Liu Lairu, rampantly ransacked their home, and confiscated truth-clarifying literature. Wang Huifu walked away safely from the house with righteous thoughts. Ms. Liu Lairu was sent to the Beipei District Detention Center while Wang Huifu has been forced to live away from home to avoid further persecution.

[Weifang City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Chen Zhishen from Hewan Village, Beiguan Street Administrative Office, Weicheng District is Sent to the Brainwashing Center in Weifang City's Industrial Leaders College.

On the evening of May 11, 2003, Mr. Chen Zhishen was arrested while distributing truth-clarifying materials in Dongwang'er Village, Kuiwen District. He has now been sent to Weifang City's Industrial Leaders College for brainwashing. Personnel from the Beiguan Street Administrative Office notified his family members that if they paid between 3,000 to 5,000 Yuan in cash, Chen would be released. Chen Zhishen's family is in poor financial shape. He has an over 30 year old son at home who can't afford to get married. Since Chen Zhishen's family can't afford to pay the illegal fine, personnel from the Beiguan Street Administrative Office have forced his wife to undergo brainwashing as well.

At present, many Dafa practitioners are being held at Weifang City's Industrial Leaders College.

[Weihai City, Shandong Province] Jiang Moves to Weihai City

On May 20, 2003, to avoid SARS, the head of the evil in this world, Jiang, moved to Weihai City, Shandong Province. Every local police precinct is holding secret meetings and plotting to persecute Dafa practitioners. Practitioners in Shandong Province: please send forth righteous thoughts in close proximity every hour and offer salvation to sentient beings by clarifying the facts of Dafa to the public.

[Fujian Province] Following Torture, Practitioner Zhang Zhaoli Righteously Walked Out of the Rujiang Forced Labor Camp

In 2001, police from Pucheng County arrested practitioner Mr. Zhang Zhaoli because he was distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He was sentenced to two years of forced labor and detained at Fuzhou City's Rujiang Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Zhang was brutally tortured because he practiced the Falun Gong exercises and recited Dafa articles. On May 13, 2002, the 10th anniversary of Master Li's introducing the teachings of Dafa, Mr. Zhang practiced the exercises. The team leader poured hot water on him from head to toe, and beat him. Mr. Zhang staged a hunger strike to protest, but the police force-fed him with food and drugs, which caused Mr. Zhang extreme pain, and his entire body became depleted and weak. The Team Leader (police ID: 35111) and another policeman (ID: 35111) in Team 9 often beat and kicked Mr. Zhang, and shocked him with electric batons. One time, police ordered prisoners to beat him, and then hung him by his handcuffed wrists for several days, while depriving him of sleep. This persecution, abuse and torture, however, did not shake Mr. Zhang's righteous thoughts, and Mr. Zhang walked out of the camp righteously.

[Kaiping City, Guangdong Province] Persecution against Practitioner Mr. Liang Xiaoying and His Parents

Mr. Liang Xiaoying, a 27 year old college graduate, was an officer for Kaiping City's National Land Department in Guangdong Province. In April 2003, police arrested him because they found Dafa truth-clarifying CDs in his home. The lawless police took this an excuse to persecute him. They not only attempted to sentence him to a long prison term, but also involved his parents, firing them from their jobs as government clerks. His co-workers were also ordered to provide the so-called "evidence."

[Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Are Forced to Eat Rotten Food

Since March of 2003, officials from Anshan City Forced Labor Camp have often intentionally provided rotten food as meals for practitioners. Although practitioners have appealed to Zhang Zhenyang, director of the Political Committee, and to Zhang Yongli, leader of the Education Office, it has made no difference.

[Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Zhang Yuhua Is Detained at the Bayuquan No. 3 Center

Practitioner Zhang Yuhua was living at the residential compound for the Bayuquan Harbor Bureau in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province. At 10:00 p.m. on May 12th, police arrested him/her when he was distributing Dafa truth-clarifying literature at a local residence. He is currently detained at the Bayuquan No. 3 Center.

[Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Eliminate This New Round of Persecution against Practitioners with Righteous Thoughts

According to reliable sources, several days ago, according to an upper governmental plan, Yingkou City government called on all levels of police officials and organized them for a meeting to issue the order to "Severely Punish" practitioners from May through July. The vicious officials are brutal towards Falun Dafa. The detailed order claimed that practitioners who distributed Dafa truth-clarifying literature and CDs would be fined 5,000 Yuan, and those who report or arrest practitioners would be rewarded.

[Pingdingshan City, Henan Province] Illegal Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wei Chenghe

Mr. Wei Chenghe is a 47 year old repairman from the Pingdingshan City Coach Station. In December 1999, he was illegally put into detention. On May 14, 2003 when Wei Chenghe was distributing truth-clarifying literature along Kuanggong Road, lawless policemen led by Zhao Guomin, chief of the Patrol Team from Weidong District Police Precinct, illegally arrested him. He has been unlawfully detained.

[Pingdingshan City, Henan Province] Three Year Illegal Prison Sentence for Dafa Practitioner Lu Xia, from Duandian Village, Liangwa Town, Lushan County

Ms. Lu Xia is a 48 year old farmer. She was illegally detained 15 days by the Lushan County Police Department in July of 2000 for clarifying the facts about Falun Gong. In February of 2001, Lu Xia was illegally sent to a brainwashing center, and was forced to give up Dafa as a result of the persecution. In November 2002, during the period of the 16th National Party Congress, she went alone to Beijing to validate Dafa, and openly practiced the exercises in a street park east of Tiananmen Square. Patrolling officers from the Beijing City Police Department arrested her. At the beginning of May, 2003, Nushan County's People Court unlawfully sentenced Lu Xia to three years of imprisonment.

[Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioner Hou Shuqiu was Illegally Arrested

[Jieyang City, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioners Lin Shaofang, Wu Kaitao and Cai Are Illegally Held at Jieyang City's No. 1 Detention Center

In August of 2002, policemen destroyed one of Jieyang City's Dafa truth-clarifying materials-producing centers. Because of that, Dafa practitioners Ms. Lin Shaofang, Mr. Wu Kaitao, and Mr. Cai are now illegally held at the Jieyang City No. 1 Detention Center.

[Jieyang City, Guangdong Province] After the No. 2 Detention Center Tortured a Dafa Practitioner to Death, it has been Closed in Fear of Punishment for the Crime

In April of 2002, Dafa practitioner Ms. Wu Jingfang, from Jiedong County, Guangdong Province was illegally detained at Jieyang City's No. 2 Detention Center. She was tortured to death ten days later, an event that Minghui.net has already reported. After that, the detention center was closed to avoid responsibility.

The following are phone numbers of persons in responsible positions:
Li Pengfei, the Director, 86-663-8233738
Yuan Yanhui, the Political Chief, 86-663-8237186
Huang Hong, the Deputy Director, 86-13902760101
Chen Kening, the Deputy Director, 86-663-868148

[Chongqing City] Large Sum of Money Extorted from Dafa Practitioners in the Beibei District from Jingguan Town

In 2000, Wen Jianping, director of Beibei District's Comprehensive Administrative Office in Jingguan Town extorted 5,000 Yuan from Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Yichun, from Taping Village Jingguan Town, but gave Zhou Yichun a receipt for only 2,500 Yuan.

In 2000, Beibei District's Jingguan Police Precinct officials extorted Dafa practitioner Lu Hui, from Malan Village, of 500 Yuan without furnishing any receipt.

In 2001, officials in the Beibei District, Jingguan Town, led by Wen Jianping and Li Sishu, extorted Dafa practitioner Jiang Renbi's work unit, the Huangjiao Primary School, out of over 2,000 Yuan, citing the excuse that they wanted to avoid Jiang Renbi's going to Beijing.

[Pingdingshan City, Henan Province] The City's Daily Newspaper Frames Falun Gong

Pingdingshan City's Daily Newspaper often publishes reports that frame Falun Gong. The reporters include Zhang Qian, Ma Ke and He Xianfeng.

Pingdingshan City's Daily Newspaper in Henan Province:
Address: No. 268, West Jianshe Road, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province; Zip code: 467002
Editor: Ouyang Yong, phone number of newsroom: 86-375-4945457
News Gathering Section: 86-375-2993222üA86-375-2993220üA86-375-4963777

1 Yuan is Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.

2 "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

May 27, 2003