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Germany: Local TV Stations Broadcast Falun Gong Videos

June 8, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net June 7, 2003) In recent months, various local TV stations in Germany have broadcast truth clarification videos about Falun Gong one after another, enabling the general public to realise the facts about the persecution happening in China.

One of the videos, entitled "Journey of Compassion," was produced by the joint efforts of many Dafa practitioners. The video introduced Falun Gong's spread since 1992, including the fact that tens of millions of Chinese people practised Falun Gong between 1992 and 1999, the unique characteristics of Dafa cultivation, and the beneficial effects that Dafa brings to health. The second part of the video detailed the sudden, hostile treatment of practitioners by the Chinese government, and described the situation of the persecution in full, which in turn exposed the lies made by perpetrators in China, who are responsible for the brutal persecution. From the video, many of the viewers realised Falun Gong's benefits and were astonished by the Jiang regime's brutal actions.

Viewers could clearly tell that the Chinese government had tried hard to hide the facts. The broadcasting of the video generated very good results as people can quickly realise the truth of a situation. Some of the TV stations agreed to repeat the broadcast at practitioners and many other viewers' requests.

Another video, entitled "Right to Existence," depicts a Chinese lady, who is living in Europe, and tells how her family members in China have suffered from persecution. In an interview, she testified to the situation of the persecution in China. Viewers can see the tremendous sufferings that Falun Gong practitioners have been enduring. For many European people, this suffering may be hard to comprehend because life in Europe is better. It is clearly shown in the video that the persecution on Falun Gong practitioners is in violation of the "Right to Existence".

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200306/12959.html