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Three UK Bishops Express Opposition to Article 23 Legislation

June 8, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net June 7, 2003) The Hong Kong authorities, under pressure from the Jiang regime, intend to push through the widely opposed Article 23 legislation by July 9, 2003. The proposed legislation poses a serious threat to civil liberties and basic freedoms of the territory, and is widely believed to be targeting Falun Gong practitioners.

Recently the Bishop of Bradwell, the Rt Rev Laurie Green, wrote to Falun Gong practitioners regarding the Article 23 legislation. She said "I do assure you that I will do all in my power to support the intention of your letter and will press for the Hong Kong government to have a proper degree of independence of mind and authority whenever I find myself able to do so."

Two other Bishops of the Church of England signed a petition against Article 23 legislation.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200306/12951.html