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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference to Inform Public about Dr. Charles Li's Abuse in China and Suing Jiang in US (Photos)

June 8, 2003 |   By Pittsburgh Dafa practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net June 7, 2003) At 4:00 p.m. on June 4, 2003, Pittsburgh Dafa practitioners held a press conference on campus in the University of Pittsburgh to inform the media and public that Dr. Charles Li was force-fed and abused during his hunger strike in jail in China, and that Jiang is being sued for genocide in the USA. Reporters from the University of Pittsburgh newspaper came and covered the event.

At the press conference it became cloudy and it looked like it would soon rain. The school staff didn't want to lend us tables as usual. Sudden winds blew down all the poster boards. Practitioners then decided to sit down and send forth righteous thoughts. One practitioner distributed flyers.

At the moment they sent forth righteous thoughts, a female reporter from the university newspaper passed by and noticed our Falun Dafa banner. She told the practitioner who was distributing flyers, "About two year ago, I read a report in Wall Street Journal that Chen Zixiu was tortured to death for not giving up practicing Falun Gong. I was deeply touched. I think all governments should stand up to stop this kind of atrocity. I thought of reporting Falun Dafa here, but I did not have the opportunity." The practitioner told her, "We'll have press conference in a moment. Please join us." The reporter was pleased and called a photographer to take photos.

During the press conference, practitioners introduced Falun Dafa and the fact of the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. They also released the news that US citizen, Dr. Charles Li was force-fed and abused during his hunger strike to protest his illegal imprisonment in a Chinese jail and that former Chinese president Jiang is being sued for genocide in US. Some students passing by were enraged at the abuse given a US citizen and the crimes of genocide that Jiang's regime has committed. They signed a petition to help gain Dr. Li's release.

Later, as it became clear and the sun came out, the practitioners demonstrated the five-sets exercises.