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New Zealand: Dafa Practitioners Peacefully March through Capital to Expose Jiang's Crime of Genocide (Photos)

June 8, 2003

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Sending forth righteous thoughts in front of Chinese Embassy

(Clearwisdom.net) June 6 report: On Sunday, June 1, 2003, New Zealand Dafa practitioners held a peaceful march in the capital city of Wellington to expose Jiang's crime of genocide against Falun Gong practitioners. In the morning, practitioners arrived outside the Chinese Embassy to join in global sending righteous thoughts. The march began from the Museum at noon, passing by the seashore, downtown and finally arriving at Cuba Street. It lasted for an hour.

Wellington is known for being windy. That day the weather was fine, but the wind was still quite strong. Practitioners determinedly held high banners disregarding the strong wind. Some practitioners passed out Dafa truth-clarifying literature to passersby who were eager to learn the truth. Then the practitioners held activities in Cuba Street to introduce Falun Dafa. Peaceful exercises, beautiful music, and display boards and banners attracted numerous people to stop and watch. We distributed all materials we prepared before the activity concluded.