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The Great, Righteous, Conduct in Court by Dafa Practitioners from Anshan City, Liaoning Province

July 10, 2003

July 4, 2003


One by one, Dafa practitioners Mr. Xu Zhaobin, Mr. Shen Hailong, Mr. Wei, Ms. Li Guihong, Ms. He Wangjun, and others from Anshan City, Liaoning Province were illegally detained in the Anshan City No. 1 Criminal Custodial Center for participating in a cable television broadcast clarifying the true facts about Falun Dafa. On June 25, 2003, The Municipal Court of Anshan City, Liaoning Province attempted to secretly hold a session to sentence Dafa practitioners. After coming out of the Custodial Center, although being threatened and suppressed, several practitioners firmly resisted and did not cooperate with the evil. Along the way they shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is righteous! Restore the reputation of Falun Dafa!" Everyone present, without exception, sighed in admiration.

Several practitioners did not cooperate with any of the evils' unreasonable requests and forced the court to cancel the opening of the session.

In addition, the Anshan City Detention Center plans to hold a session on July 8th to sentence Dafa practitioners Mr. Wang Hongnan and Mr. Yang Kezhi.

We wish that all practitioners who read this news can send forth righteous thoughts to help fellow practitioners in the Anshan City Detention Center eliminate all evil elements in other dimensions that persecute Dafa practitioners.

Anshan City No. 1 Detention Center: 86-412-2960506
Anshan City No. 2 Detention Center: 86-412-2611873