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Photo Report from Reuters: Tens of Thousands of Hong Kong People Gather Outside the Legislative Council Building to Protest

July 11, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Reuters report on July 9: several thousand protesters held a rally and parade outside the Legislative Council Building located in Hong Kong's Central Business District. That night, it was estimated that tens of thousand of people surrounded the Legislative Council Building, condemning the government's plans to pass the anti-subversion bill and demanding the right to elect their own leaders.

Photo Report from Central News Agency: Hong Kong Falun Gong Gather to Oppose Article 23 Legislation

Central News Agency report on July 9: more than 200 Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners, including 21 practitioners from Taiwan, held a peaceful sit-in outside the Legislative Council Building on July 9 to protest the Hong Kong government's proposed enactment of Article 23.
