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Summary of Other Articles and News - 07/06/2003

July 12, 2003


Facts of Persecution of Dafa practitioners

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] The Weizigou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province tortures Dafa practitioners by forcing them to sit on small stools for a long time. If one does not sit in the required way, police officers would torture Dafa practitioners further in ways which include physical punishments or being beaten. Cold-blooded police officers also torture Dafa practitioners in other ways such as forcing them to work hard labor, long term exposure to the hot sun, denying them sleep for a long time, and direct physical torture, etc.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] On July 7, 2001, the Heishijiao Police Station illegally arrested over ten Dafa practitioners and sent them to the Yaojia Detention Center. On April 25, 2003, local policeman Fu Shouchen, together with several other police officers restrained Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Mian's husband while he was working and seized the key to his home. They opened Chen Mian's house with the key and sent Chen to the Yaojia Forced Labor Camp, then transferred her to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for further persecution. Police officers also extorted money from Dafa practitioners' families at will.

[Heilongjiang Province] The Crime Record of Zou Xianbao, the Head of the Heilongjiang Province Forced Labor Department

In early November, 2002, in order to "report to the 16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party," the Forced Labor Camps in Heilongjiang province applied cruel physical and mental tortures to force Dafa practitioners to give up their belief in Dafa, causing many tragedies in the process. Whenever CCTV (Chinese Central TV station) broadcasted lies or programs which defamed Dafa, Zou always accompanied the TV report group, then he would direct and organize the police officers to help produce TV programs that slander Dafa. Former Dafa practitioners who were brainwashed were coerced into lying on TV in order to deceive more people.

Experience Sharing Among Dafa Practitioners

With righteous thoughts and Teacher's Dafa in mind, I was released from the Detention Center:

In January 2002, I was abducted to a brainwashing center. Deceived by lies and confusing government propaganda, I went astray. This caused much pain in my mind, and I started studying Dafa books again. The great compassion of Teacher and power of Dafa woke me up. Having woken up, I went to the neighboring county to clarify the truth to other Dafa practitioners who had been deceived by lies and been persecuted. Police officers traced me to my home and abducted me to the detention center. They interrogated me and did not allow me to sleep for 19 hours. They burned my face with a lighter and forced me to stand up for a long time. I kept on sending forth righteous thoughts and reciting Dafa articles. I looked the most vicious police officer in the eye while sending forth powerful righteous thoughts and he quickly slipped away. Several evil people all ran away from my gaze. At the same time, fellow Dafa practitioners asked for my release and helped by sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth. 20 days later, I was released unconditionally.

Dafa Truth and People's Minds

Zhang Huisheng is the Head of the Keyuan Street Police Station in Jinan City, Shandong Province. He was known by the Public Security System as a person who "dares to accept any bribe and dares to do anything no matter how vicious it is." He went all out and rampantly extorted Dafa practitioners' money. When torturing Dafa practitioners, he especially liked to hit female Dafa practitioners' nipples and genital parts. He claimed: "If I beat you to death, I will just say you have committed suicide and will drag you out and bury you under a tree." Zhang Huisheng is currently suffering from cancer of the esophagus and is dying.