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More Facts about How Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xiong Fengxia was Tortured to Death in Baoding City, Hebei Province (Photos)

July 12, 2003

July 4, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net July 5)

Ms. Xiong Fengxia, a Dafa practitioner in Baoding City, Hebei Province, was tortured to death at Liyuzhuang Brainwashing Center, Dingxing County in mid-October, 2002.

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After her family members counted more than 40 wounds and bruises over Ms. Xiong's body, they demanded an autopsy report. When asked when the autopsy report would be available, the Baoding procurator said 10-15 days. However, nothing was forthcoming after 15 days had passed. Twenty days later, the procurator referred the family to the county government. Hao Guochi, the party secretary of Dingxing County Political and Judiciary Committee, first made excuses to put it off. When he could not defer it any longer, he admitted that the Baoding procurator could not reach a conclusion; it was referred to the provincial government. In this way, it dragged on for several months before the family could finally obtain the autopsy report. According to the report, Xiong died of "pulmonary perforation," and the multiple wounds on her body were not the cause of death.

However, in addition to more than 40 wounds and bruises on her body, Ms. Xiong also had massive extravasated blood in her chest and an accumulation of mucous in her trachea. There was also a reddish fluid in her bladder.

Later, the county government gave Ms. Xiong' family 60,000 Yuan (about US$7,200) as compensation. However, the township government kept 5,000 Yuan and only gave the family 55,000 Yuan. When the family asked about it, Li Wenxiu (female), the secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee, made up excuses to defend her actions.

But the facts are indisputable. From the photos, we can see the inhuman torture that Ms. Xiong received before her death.