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UK: Kind-hearted People Make Great Efforts to Rescue UK Resident's Fiancée, Yongjie Zhu

July 12, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) 29-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Yongjie Zhu is the fiancée of Dr. Weiguo Xie, who works at London City University in England. Yongjie lives in Beijing. Immediately before the "16th Party Congress" in October 2002, Yongjie Zhu was forced to leave home and live on the streets to escape persecution. Chinese police usually increase their harassment of Falun Gong practitioners during major political activities or before important anniversaries. Yongjie was secretly arrested by the Chinese government's Security Bureau in Beijing on November 4th 2002. It was not until this February that people knew that she has been locked up in Beijing's Daxing Labour Camp.

Weiguo and Yongjie

Dr. Weiguo Xie is famous in China's top University Tsinghua for his excellent scholarship, for being a rising academic star among graduate students and for being a Ph.D in the Science and Engineering Academy in UMIST (Manchester). During his time in England, Weiguo's research has gained praise from experts of over 20 teams in various countries. Yongjie Zhu and Weiguo Xie have known each other since childhood. The news that Yongjie had been secretly arrested came as a big shock to Weiguo and he has begun an appeal to rescue his fiancée.

Weiguo and other UK practitioners have collected more than 12,000 signatures calling for Yongjie to be rescued immediately. A lot of people in England have expressed their support for Weiguo's campaign. The British media, including the BBC, the Manchester Evening News and the Cambridge Evening News, all reported on Yongjie's case and pledged their support for the rescue activities initiated by Weiguo.

Dr. Weiguo Xie, Mr. Jinfei Zhang, and Mr. Zhu Baosheng handing the petition letter in to the home of the UK Prime Minister Mrs. Carlton MP and Dr. Weiguo Xie in front of the English Parliament Building with an appeal to rescue Yongjie Lord Moyne (2nd from right) and Lord Hylton (3rd from right) support Falun Gong practitioners efforts to rescue their family members in China

Member of Parliament Mrs. Carlton said that she already requested both the English Parliament and the Commissioner of Human Rights in the United Nations to pay attention to the situation of Falun Gong. She has made contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to investigate the case of Yongjie Zhu being illegally detained by the Chinese regime. Member of Parliament Mr. Lloyd wrote a letter to the London Chinese Embassy calling for an explanation of why Yongjie Zhu was arrested. Lord Thurlow, Lord Hylton, and Lord Moyne from the House of Lords all paid great attention to this incident. They respectively made a public statement and wrote letters to relevant departments. The Prime Minister of England, Mr. Tony Blair, received letters and postcards with more than 10,000 signatures about Yongjie. Cherie Blair, wife of the Prime Minister, expressed her sympathy for Yongjie and suggested that practitioners adopt legal action to rescue her.

The Lord Bishop of Oxford wrote a letter to the Chinese Ambassador, stating that the case of Yongjie Zhu violated human rights and requested an investigation into the case. He pointed out that Yongjie Zhu should be released right away based on humanitarian grounds.

The Scottish branch of Amnesty International strongly participated in this rescue. They enabled more people to help through petition signature collecting and letter writing, and all of these will be kept as a record in the archives of the Headquarters of Amnesty International.

At the same time, the persecution of Falun Gong, instigated by Jiang Zemin, has received strong criticism from various countries around the world. Many of the human rights reports by the United Nations point out Jiang's violations against human rights. The World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong is now widely gathering the evidence of Jiang's crimes. The courts in the United States and in Europe are now processing the lawsuits against Jiang. Justice is just around the corner for the evil dictator Jiang. The whole world will soon give its verdict.

People in England and all over the world hope to stop Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong as soon as possible and to stop more tragedies from occurring.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200307/13734.html
