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The "610 Office" Headquarters Issues Command: Kill Dafa Practitioners at Will

July 2, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net June 30) It was reported that the "610 Office"* headquarters in China issued a new rule to its nationwide affiliated "610 Offices" in early April of 2003. The new rule stated,

In dealing with Falun Gong practitioners who are distributing Falun Gong materials or having a gathering, the "610 Office" members can shoot these practitioners without firing warning shots first if they resist arrest.

Prior to this rule, the police officers had to fire warning shots first. Only when a practitioner refused to be arrested, the officers could then shoot at them.

This rule means that the police officers can shoot and kill Falun Gong practitioners at will and, afterwards, they only need to say that the practitioners were resisting arrest.

In the past four years, the "610 office," which puts itself above the Constitution and law, has been executing the policies of "destroy their reputation, cut them off financially and eliminate them physically," and "torture deaths count as suicide."

*The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.

June 29, 2003