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A Persecutor Dies and Three Others Are Injured in an Automobile Accident

July 20, 2003


Editors' Note: Each time we publish news of this nature, we do so with heavy hearts. These people started off as public servants, but under the intense pressure applied by the Jiang regime, they were pushed into persecuting Dafa disciples. In the process of destroying the lives of kind, law-abiding citizens, they have sealed their own fates and inevitably faced karmic retribution as punishment. If it weren't for Jiang's wicked orders, perhaps their fates would have been different.

In late December 2002, Wu Daming, the Vice Director of the Public Security Division in the Police Bureau of Nanping City, Fujian Province, went to Pucheng County to draw up a plan for further persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. The persecution was being escalated largely because truth-clarification materials were frequently distributed on a large scale in Pucheng County, but whenever the Pucheng Police Bureau received a tip-off about such activities, practitioners would manage to escape, using the wisdom gained through practicing Falun Dafa.

After Wu Daming drew up his plan, he traveled to Shipo Town to put the plan into action. However, as he and several other policemen were driving on the Linjiang section of the highway, their car crashed into a big cargo truck. Eyewitnesses report that the driver of the car mistook a cargo truck parked on the highway as one that was moving.

Wu Daming died immmediately. The Vice Director of the Police Bureau of Pucheng County, Wang Yong, broke his left hand and lost his lower front teeth. The Director of Public Security of Pucheng County, Ye Jin, had the top of his skull broken open. He was in critical condition, and in a coma for two days. The Vice Director, Chang Qifang, broke the bridge of his nose. These policemen or their family members had persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners before. The driver was not injured.

Through this accident, the policemen of Pucheng witnessed the fate of wicked people who persecute Falun Gong. It has had a deeply chilling effect on them and they no longer mention the crackdown.