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Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Symbolic Trial and Public Assembly in Washington DC to Comprehensively Expose the Persecution

July 23, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) In the morning of July 22, 2003, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world held a symbolic trial in front of Capitol Hill to comprehensively expose the persecution. In the afternoon, there was a public assembly at the same location, which was warmly supported by different circles in society. When a reporter asked a fairly new practitioner how she felt about attending this activity, the lady who had spent most of her life in Mainland China said, "I've attended a few experience sharing conferences, but it's my first time to attend an activity like this. Seeing so many people supporting Dafa is really encouraging and heartwarming. We should really cultivate well!"

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The judges' bench is set up in front of Capitol Hill. A practitioners who helped to plan the event said, "Three weeks wouldn't be enough time to list all of the crimes that Jiang Zemin and the 610 Office has committed in the four years of persecution. Even though this symbolic trial is limited by time and it's impossible to cover every aspect of the persecution, we believe that it will help people to understand the facts more comprehensively and deeply, and also serve as an encouragement for everyone." Prosecutor reads the charges Prosecutor reads the charges
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The judge opens the trial Nine witnesses took the stand to expose 1) how Jiang overrode the rest of the leadership and single-handedly started a "campaign of elimination" 2) the 610 criminal system and its policies to wipe out Falun Gong 3) the suppression being extended overseas 4) the various lies from the Jiang regime to sustain the persecution 5) the torture and the 610 Office's policies of "destroying them physically" 6) Jiang Zemin and the 610 Office's suppression and control of people's minds.
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Falun Gong representatives from all over the world with placards of their native countries and words such as "Stop the Persecution", "Urgently Rescue Charles Li", and "Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice".
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Thousands of hearts united as one Displays memorializing the practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution
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Various groups supported the practitioners' public assembly, condemning the persecution and showing their support for "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance". More than thirty NGO's came to support the practitioners' public assembly, and several members of Congress came to make speeches against the violation of human rights and freedom of belief. Each of the placards next to the stage gave the name and acknowledged the support of a government official who wanted to express his or her support but could not come in person.
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The practitioners participating in the public assembly prominently displayed many banners and placards, exposing the persecution
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Preparations before the trial The three judges