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Closing Remarks at the 2003 Washington DC Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference

July 26, 2003


As we reach the conclusion of the 2003 Washington DC Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference, let us express our gratitude with most heart-felt and sincere applause for Teacher's Fa lecture and compassionate salvation.

"For countless years of searching and waiting,

Now I have finally met Teacher in person.

Having acquired the Fa, I must cultivate my way back to my true home.

I must reach consummation and return my true home with Teacher."

What an enormous pre-destined opportunity for us to listen to Teacher's lecture in person!

How fortunate we are to be able to witness Teacher's benevolent salvation.

The Fa of the old universe, namely formation-stasis-degeneration-destruction, caused all lives to degenerate toward the end of the universe.

Countless sentient beings and the lords of those sentient beings were doomed with the destruction of the universe.

It is our compassionate Teacher that has taught us the truth that is capable of changing the deadly fate of the universe.

It is the magnificent Buddha Fa that built all sentient beings the ladder that leads them to salvation.

The lords of colossal celestial bodies had once given Teacher the most sacred promise--that they would be willing to endure the abyss of hardship during the countless number of incarnations in order to assist Teacher in rectifying the Fa without any regret or complaint.

During the thousands and billions of incarnations, the seas had turned into dry land.

But the infinity of time will not erase the anticipation of countless sentient beings, or the sacred nature of our pledge, from our memories.

The old forces persist in acting against the will of the universe and create chaos in the human realm with brutality and lies.

Yet the Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples remain greatly compassionate and tolerant.

Their efforts to safeguard the Fa has become an epic written in their blood and lives.

"On either shore the gibbons' chatter sounds without pause, while my light boat skims past thousands of crags."*

The most significant play in the history of the universe is coming to an end.

All the Dafa disciples that have reached the standards of consummation shall return to their respective homes in triumph and with joyful hearts.

Dafa disciples, let us perfect our efforts in the final stage of the Fa-rectification.

Let us continue to offer salvation to sentient beings and make greater strides in cultivation,

So as to prepare ourselves for the advent of the Fa-rectification in the human realm that the whole universe will celebrate together!

* "Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A."