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Atrocities at the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp in Guangdong Province

July 26, 2003


Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Shaoqing from Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province was a schoolteacher. Her health improved dramatically after she learned Falun Dafa. On July 20, 1999, due his own selfish interests, Jiang (former Chinese leader) began persecuting Falun Gong. Undaunted, Ms. Chen proceeded to clarify the facts of Falun Gong to the world's people, but received constant persecution and harassment from her local "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems). When she was detained at a brainwashing center, Ms. Chen went on a hunger strike for 28 days in protest of her illegal incarceration. Her life was in jeopardy, and the guards released her to avoid any further responsibility. She regained her health soon after going home, and continued to clarify the facts. When local officials noticed that Ms. Chen was healthy again, they resumed their brutal persecution. Under these circumstances, Ms. Chen was unable to return to her home and was forced to become homeless in order to avoid further persecution.

Around noon on March 12, 2003, Ms. Chen was distributing truth-clarification literature when she was taken away by police from Zhanjiang City's Mazhangruiyun police station. Without any explanation, Ms. Chen was transferred to the Sanshui Women's Forced Labor Camp in Guangdong Province. Enduring ruthless torment, Ms. Chen went on a hunger strike for 27 days amid countless forms of persecution. On the third day of the hunger strike, the guards began to force feed her. The pain and suffering of being force-fed is absolutely unspeakable. To cover up their horrific deeds, the police made sure all doors and windows were closed when force-feeding. Every time they force fed Ms. Chen, they also took the 100 Yuan her family had sent her.

Even after enduring such torture, Ms. Chen's faith in Dafa still did not waver. Desperate, the police sent her to the "dark chamber" where they blindfolded her eyes to increase her discomfort. The "dark chamber" was the warehouse of Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, and was used exclusively to hold the more steadfast Dafa practitioners. Ms. Chen was kept in the "dark chamber" for ten consecutive days, where she had to continuously squat on her heels for 24 hours a day. If she lost consciousness she would be beaten with electric batons. Every day, police and drug addicts took turns persecuting her and beating her. She was prohibited from sleeping or going to the lavatory for ten consecutive days. Those who had some decency couldn't help but shed tears and felt sorry for her. To hide their crimes, the evil guards gagged Ms. Chen's mouth to silence her screams.

The above is only a small portion of the persecution suffered by Ms. Chen, and details about even more cruel procedures are still unknown.

In this evil den called Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, Ms. Chen isn't the only one enduring such torment. All steadfast Falun Gong practitioners face similar torture. According to sources, in order to force practitioners to sign the so-called "four documents" (documents that "officially" renounce people's faith in Dafa), the labor camp has escalated its persecution since May and June of 2003. Every firm Dafa practitioner has been sent to the "dark chamber." The police tried to coerce all practitioners to sign the "four documents" after forcing them to watch videos that slandered Dafa. Yet, they still could not shake practitioners' unflinching will and solid faith in Dafa.

We call upon the international community to take notice of the brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp, Guangdong Province. We also hope that the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" will look into and further investigate the crimes that occur there.