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How My Family Has Spent July 20th Since 1999

July 26, 2003


My husband is a scientist who does not believe in Qigong. He does research in a famous university in England. I am also a researcher in molecular chemistry. While my husband does not believe in God and only pays attention to what he can observe in the physical world, I like to explore the mystery of the universe and have been interested in Qigong practice for over twenty years.

As a Falun Gong practitioner, July 20th of every year has taken on a special meaning since 1999.

On July 20th 1999, my family went back to Beijing to change our visa status. Early that morning, I went to the practice site in the Chinese Academy of Science and learned that the Chinese government had decided to ban this practice. I felt that I had the responsibility to speak out about my experience of benefiting from such a wonderful cultivation way. I left after leaving a note to my husband who was sleeping: "I am going to appeal in the Appealing Department. Please take care of our child."

In the evening, I came back from the Shijingshan stadium and Xicheng Police Station and found my husband looking angry. He dragged me into a small room and asked me furiously: "Which is more important, our child or the Fa?" I explained to him, "The Fa can save all sentient beings. Of course the Fa is more important. If people around the world no longer believe in Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, won't this world become hell? Do you want our child and me to live in Hell? If the whole building is about to collapse, what is the use to protect only a small room?" However, even before I finished my sentences, his fists rained blows on me. My husband was usually tender and considerate, but he furiously beat me. I silently tolerated it.

My relatives came to stop him. Later I found out that after seeing my note he went to Tiananmen Square to look for me. He was very worried and couldn't eat or drink for the entire day. He became especially anxious after hearing about the hostility of the Chinese government toward Falun Gong and recalling the cruelty of all the past political movements in China. He told me with tears in his eyes: "What are we going to do if you are arrested? What will happen to our three-year-old child? Please do not go!" I was locked up at home for three days and not allowed to go outside.

On July 20th 2000, we came back from France and stayed in my friend's place. I wanted to attend the peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese embassy in the capital. But my husband did not agree. He told me to practice at home and that I should not be involved in politics. But he did not explode because we were staying in our friend's place.

Before July 20th 2001, I had been actively involved in many Dafa activities such as going out to clarify the truth every weekend, and sometimes I did not show enough concern for others during my cultivation; as a result, my husband was not happy with me. Finally, it all came out on the day of July 20th. He did not want me to attend the parade, complaining to me about not taking care of the family and that I left all the housework for him; I did not help educate the child and left him to raise our child every day... No matter what he said, I knew that he was actually afraid that protesting in front of the Chinese embassy would affect our future and do harm to our relatives in China. He knew that the communist party was capable of doing anything against a person. I waited until his anger subsided and then went to the embassy.

Afterwards, my husband apologized to me while giving me a massage. He said: "I do not know why I was so angry. To be honest, Jiang's regime persecutes innocent people. He is bound to suffer bad consequences." I also apologized to him that I had not taken good care of him as a wife and did not show enough concern for others as a practitioner. He said: "You actually already did your best. You prepare delicious food every day. Meanwhile you need to work during the day. You need to take care of this much housework plus the endless Dafa work..." we both had tears in our eyes.

I understand that among the family conflicts caused by the wrongful persecution, ours is the least serious because we are overseas. In China, there are countless cases of family tragedies.

My husband has gradually changed his attitude toward Dafa. When we have activities, in order to cut down on the expenses, many practitioners stay in our house. He always warmly welcomes them and never complains.

On July 20th 2002, I went to the twenty-four-hour appeal in front of the Chinese embassy. He did not stop me, although he was not very happy. He also called me to ask how we spent the night on the street and reminded me not to catch cold. After I returned home, he said: "I did not sleep well and always thought about you." I was deeply touched. There are one hundred million people who practice Falun Gong. If the Falun Gong issue is not resolved, there will be many more people involved. Therefore many problems will emerge in China.

My husband became more and more supportive. Again July 20th 2003 is approaching. One day we were taking a walk after dinner. I told him that I needed to attend some activities. He looked at me and said: "It has been four years. It is time to end the persecution." He then held my hands. His hands were warm.

July 14, 2003