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Washington DC: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Reception to Express Their Gratitude to the U.S. Congress for Its Great Support (Photo)

July 26, 2003

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On July 21, Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world held a large-scale group practice and parade in Washington DC.

(Clearwisdom.net, July 25, 2003) Epoch Times -- Washington DC. In July four years ago, Falun Gong practitioners from North America who knew nothing about American politics walked up to Capitol Hill to seek help from the U.S. government to stop the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong. Four years later, Falun Gong practitioners once again came to Capitol Hill and held a reception in the Rayburn office building on July 21 to express their gratitude to members of the U.S. House of Representatives for their support of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights over the past four years.

Mr. and Mrs. Chen, who currently reside in New Jersey, were first-class performers from China's Central Philharmonic Society. They performed Chinese folk music at the reception. They were very happy because their son, Mr. Chen Gang, who had been imprisoned for 18 months in China simply because he appealed for Falun Gong, had just arrived in the U.S. to reunite with them and came to join the reception. Chen Gang expressed his thanks to those Congress members who had helped him.

U. S. Congressman from New Jersey, Mr. Robert E. Andrews, who helped Mr. Chen, welcomed Chen Gang to the free world. He said, "I want to thank the U.S. government for its attention to this case and its role in this delightful outcome. I'm very happy for the outcome, but I'm still worrying about those people who are still suffering from human rights violations in China. I don't think that we will cease our effort because of the success of this case; instead, we will take it as the beginning of our effort." He also pointed out, "The mightiness of our country is not because of our military, economy or resources, but is due to our principles and our will to live by these principles. This should not be sacrificed for short-term benefit."

Chen Gang's mother, Mrs. Chen said that during Gang's imprisonment in a forced labor camp, from the east to the west, eight members of Congress jointly wrote a letter requesting Gang's release. Mrs. Chen said, "Over the past three years, we had been very worried about Gang's safety and his situation. Today, I'm very happy that my son has finally come back to reunite with me. At the same time, I feel that we should continue our effort. Currently, U.S. citizen Dr. Charles Li is still imprisoned by the Chinese government. I hope that he will be able to reunite with his family. I also hope that all innocent Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned or detained in China can reunite with their families. I believe that this day will come soon."

Chen Gang said, "If there were no pressures from other countries, they would have run riot. The overseas pressure, including appeals from different countries and people with a sense of justice, are very helpful to improve Falun Gong practitioners' situation in China. It is also very helpful to end the persecution as soon as possible. I feel very grateful for what the Congressmen and overseas [Falun Gong] practitioners have done."

At the reception, U.S. Congress members, including Robert E. Andrews and Rush Holt from New Jersey, Mike McIntyre from North Carolina, and Dana Rohrabcher from California delivered speeches, respectively. They expressed their support for Falun Gong and condemned the Jiang regime's persecution. Dana Rohrabcher said, "In this period of human history, Falun Gong might be the best example of mankind standing up to oppose brutal persecution with courage, belief and will." He considered that Falun Gong's efforts are very important because they are for the sake of allowing people to become better.

Congressman Rush Holt said, "I found that the Falun Gong practitioners I know are all very good people." He stated, "We should realize that the American spirit is what makes us strong and it should be considered as our biggest export. Regarding our country's relationship with other nations, our relationship should not be based only on how many goods are exported or imported, but rather, it should be based on opportunity and human rights, which should be part of any contract."

Congressman Mike McIntyre said, "This country should support human dignity, freedom of religion and promote the concept that people can choose their beliefs. We should support these fundamental rights for all people."

During the reception, practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and gave performances, including Tang Dynasty fashion dance and flute solos.