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Practitioner Ms. Gong Ruijuan Has Been Detained for More Than Two Years in Shandong No. 1 Women's Forced Labor Camp

July 27, 2003


Practitioner Ms. Gong Ruijuan, 33, from Weifang City, Shandong Province has been detained in Group 2 of Shandong No. 1 Female Forced Labor Camp for more than two years.

Not long after she was taken to the forced labor camp, the police instigated collaborators [Former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] to torture her continuously for three days and nights, and forced her to write a "Guarantee Statement" [A statement to declare that he or she is remorseful for practicing Falun Gong and guarantees not to practice Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.]. However she immediately realized this did not meet the standard for a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple, and wrote a solemn declaration to declare the statements she made under coercion as void. Since then, she was regularly persecuted by police officer Xu Ruiju. During the two to three months that she was mentally tormented, she was only allowed to sleep after 2 a.m., and then woken up at 5 a.m.

After Gong Ruijuan's husband divorced her, under various aspects of pressure, police officer Xu Ruiju sent six collaborators to watch her day and night. They did not allow her to sleep and asked her to sit with both legs stretched out. When she was tired, they pulled her up and forced her to go around the room in circles, in order to prevent her from sleeping. They also didn't allow her to close her eyes. However, even through several days of continuous torments such as that, they still could not make her firm heart waiver even a little bit.

Ms. Gong was adamant about not wearing the forced labor camp uniform, and did not participate in any activities organized by the police. She dared to look into the eyes of the police, exposed the rumors on the slandering materials in front of them, and righteously stopped the collaborator who beat and scolded her.

She wrote the truth-clarification materials for the police, and included "Why is the reformation wrong?" She truly resisted the persecution.

Collaborator Qin Yongjie, from Gong Ruijuan's hometown, planned to brainwash her for an entire week, but in the end could only last for three days.

Police officer Xu Ruiju treated Gong Ruijuan's parents badly. She did not allow the mother to see her daughter or leave any money for her daughter, even when the mother begged with tears coming down her face. Xu was not moved a bit.

We are calling for Dafa practitioners around the world to use our righteous thoughts to strengthen Gong Ruijuan and all the practitioners who are persecuted, and help them to rush out of the devil's lair with righteous thoughts.

Note: Gong Ruijuan's hometown is Weifang City, she has a 7 or 8 years old daughter who lives with the father.