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My Childhood Story: A Buddhist Lama Foretold of the Great Law Being Spread Far and Wide Today

July 27, 2003


My father had believed in Catholicism, but then switched to become a Buddhist. When I was 4 years old in 1949, the "new China" was established under Communist rule. One day my dad took me to a temple in the northern suburb of our county, and was chatting with a senior lama about Buddhism. The lama said, "After this so-called 'liberation,' people will no longer hear of Buddhism. But 50 or so years from now, there will come a Great Law (Dafa) that will be spread far and wide in the world. Those who practice cultivation in the Great Law are the most fortunate. Even those who may hear about the Fa will be blessed too." Then he added, while pointing to me, "He will obtain the Great Law."

My father retold me this story when I turned 20 years old, so I have kept it in my mind and heart. I was fortunate to begin the practice of Falun Dafa in June of 1995.

Falun Dafa has been spreading far and wide, in some 60 countries all over the world, with 100 million practitioners. All of this is not merely coincidental. One should not let go of this opportunity and miss a chance that comes only once in a million years.