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Latest News from China - 07/21/2003

July 28, 2003


  • [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Painful Lesson: Please Do Not Collect a List of Names of Dafa Practitioners
  • [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Villains from the "610 Office" from the Liaohe Oil Field Abduct Practitioners into the Fushun Brainwashing Center
  • [Qidong County, Hunan Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jiang Meiying is Tortured at Qidong County's Detention Center and Her Life is in Danger
  • [Hailaer City, Inner Mongolia AR] Facts of Persecution Against Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhankun
  • [Wu'an City, Hebei Province] The City's Police Department and the Kang'ercheng Police Precinct Fabricate News to Frame and Arrest Dafa Practitioners
  • [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Dafa Practitioners Ms. Han Zhongcui and Ms. Zhao Yuling are Abducted to the City's Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center
  • [Beijing] Reported by an Informant, Lawless Police Officers Abduct Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhao Yuqin
  • [Hubei Province] Twisted Behavior of Jin Xiubin from the "610 Office"

[Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Painful Lesson: Please Do Not Collect a List of Names of Dafa Practitioners

Last May, Dafa Practitioners from Panjin City, Liaoning Province who were forced to leave home to avoid further persecution had a meeting in which they recorded a list of names of the attendees. Now this list is in the hand of the "610 Office.*" Since then, almost 20 practitioners who had not been arrested were sent to the Fushun Brainwashing Center. Six practitioners were abducted on June 6th and ten in July.

[Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Villains from the "610 Office" from the Liaohe Oil Field Abduct Practitioners into the Fushun Brainwashing Center

At present, the "610 Office" from the Liaohe Oil Field in Panjin City, Liaoning Province is preparing to arrest practitioners into the Fushun Brainwashing Center at intervals of about 20 days. On this list of names are 83 practitioners from the Oil Company and Exploration Department. The persecution method used in the Fushun Brainwashing Center is that one policeman and one collaborator* monitor each practitioner. If the practitioner would not give up practicing after one session, he would be forced to attend the second brainwashing session. If the second session does not work, the third one applies. If that still does not work, the practitioner will be sentenced to three years of forced labor.

The "610 Office" authorities unlawfully arrested practitioners on their way to work or at work. They even would not unlock the practitioners' handcuffs inside the police van. They sent practitioners to the Fushun Brainwashing Center straightaway and then notified practitioners' works units to pay 3,600 Yuan** for each practitioner.

[Qidong County, Hunan Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jiang Meiying is Tortured at Qidong County's Detention Center and Her Life is in Danger

In the middle of February 2003, Dafa practitioner Ms. Jiang Meiying from Qidong, County, Hunan Province was illegally arrested and detained at Qidong County's Detention Center. She has been persecuted so brutally that her life is in danger now. Fearful of her death, the detention center authorities forced her family to pay 3,000 Yuan** for her release. Jiang's family has been extorted a lot of money by these criminals and is unable to pay anymore, hence the situation is crucial. Practitioners who read this news: please send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements that persecute Dafa practitioners.

Qidong County is one of the areas where practitioners from Hunan Province suffer from persecution the most. Practitioner Mr. Zhou Guangquan and others have been detained in Qidong County's Detention Center for more than three years, and the numbers of those who have been illegally detained for more than one or two years are innumerable. Further, cases of practitioners' being extorted or brutally beaten happen frequently.

[Hailaer City, Inner Mongolia AR] Facts of Persecution Against Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhankun

Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhankun from the Hailaer District, Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor for going to Beijing to validate Dafa on January 1, 2001. He was again detained for one year and one month since March 2002, for sending an appeals letter to relevant authorities to expose the brutal tortures against Dafa practitioners in the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp of Inner Mongolia. In the second half of June 2003, he was tailed because of clarifying the truth to someone face to face in Ewenke Tribal, which is 9 kilometres away from Hailaer District. With collusion from policemen of both cities, Aina, an intern from Ewenke Tribal's Police Department, was sent as a spy to ask for Dafa materials from Wang Zhankun with the excuse that she wanted to learn Falun Gong. Wang had no misgivings. The next day he was abducted when handing truth-clarifying materials to her at a pre-arranged location. As of now his whereabouts are still unknown.

One of the criminals is Aina, an intern from Ewenke Tribal's Police Department
Phone: 86-470-8813397

[Wu'an City, Hebei Province] The City's Police Department and the Kang'ercheng Police Precinct Fabricate News to Frame and Arrest Dafa Practitioners

In the middle of the night on April 1, 2002, lawless policemen from Wu'an City, Hebei Province broke into Dafa practitioner Ms. Yao Mifeng's home. Fortunately she was not at home. But she has had to stay away from home for over a year since then to avoid arrest. In June 2003, persons from the Kang'ercheng Police Precinct deceived her family, saying they would not search for her anymore. Her family trusted them and had her come back, but soon, lawless policemen in the Kang'ercheng Police Precinct arrested her. Before this arrest, Yao Mifeng has been abducted many times. Each time prior to her release, the police precinct perpetrators always extorted money from her. They released and arrested her again and again to extort money. Actually they consider Dafa practitioners a ready source of money.

To exculpate the crime of Dafa practitioners' unlawful arrest, and to detain Dafa practitioners for further persecution, these policemen stated that they searched and found many Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials in Yao Mifeng's home, then filmed this as a piece of news and broadcast the false information on Wu'an TV.

Wu'an City's Police Department: 86-310-5652815 (telephone switchboard)

Kang'ercheng Police Precinct: 86-310-5720262

[Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Dafa Practitioners Ms. Han Zhongcui and Ms. Zhao Yuling are Abducted to the City's Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center

For firmly practicing Falun Gong, Dafa Practitioner Ms. Han Zhongcui was arrested and sent to Lanzhou City's Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center for persecution. This crime was committed by a group of persons led by director Di from her work unit. Now Han Zhongcui has already been on a hunger strike for over forty days. Her two children disappeared without a trace.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Yuling, 36 years old, obtained the Fa in 1999. In July 2000, she went to Beijing to validate Dafa but was immediately arrested while unfurling a Dafa banner and then was sent back to Lanzhou City where she was illegally detained for 15 days. She went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention, but she was still forced to go to work. The police also punished her by forcing her to stand for a long time in the burning sun at noon. At the end of December 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal again. Police officers interrogated and examined her on the train and then detained her in Tianshui City for three days. Later she was sent back to Taoshuping in Lanzhou City for detention. She went on a hunger strike together with other Dafa practitioners to protest the persecution and escaped with the power of her righteous thoughts. In the beginning of 2001, she was arrested from home and taken to Lanzhou City's Taoshuping Brainwashing Center where she stayed for six months. However she always refused to cooperate with evils and refused to write the "three statements." *** Finally she was released when the brainwashing session ended. At the end of May 2003, when she was home at the Provincial Transportation Company in Xiguanshizi, Lanzhou City, she was again sent to Lanzhou City's Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center.

[Beijing] Reported by an Informant, Lawless Police Officers Abduct Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhao Yuqin

On July 1st, because of being reported by a vindictive person, police officers arrested Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Yuqin from Beijing. The vindictive informant is the resident of an apartment on the west side of No.3 Building at Sanyixili, Waiwanzi, Xuanwu District, Beijing. His home phone number: 86-10-63473913.

Falun Dafa practice, a cultivation of mind and body, had made Yuqin look like a twenty-year-old woman although she was already over forty years old. She was simple and kind. Wherever one encountered her, she won people's praise. In order to earn money for her son's tuition, in March 2003 Zhao found a job through an agent to take care of an older woman for the resident mentioned above. This old woman's son had frequently intended to sexually assault Zhao. Zhao stopped all these attempts with stern words. Once, when the vile person tried to rape Zhao, she said, "I'm a Dafa practitioner! You should not treat me like this." Immediately, the rascal was immobilized on the sofa and could not get up. Finally, he had to be sent to a hospital for physical therapy. After he left the hospital, he didn't repent and give up his debased behavior. Instead, when Zhao requested to leave his home, he reported her at 7:00 p.m. on July 1st.

[Hubei Province] Twisted Behavior of Jin Xiubin from the "610 Office"

Jin Xiubin, administrator for Hubei Province's "610 Office," not only participated in persecuting Dafa and Dafa practitioners, but also used the execuse of "communication" to track and monitor Dafa practitioners who have already been released. Furthermore, he even looked for opportunities to assault young female Dafa practitioners.

* "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

** Yuan: 500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.

*** "Three Statements" -- the practitioner declares that s/he is remorseful for having practiced Falun Gong, will never do so again; will never again associate with other practitioners and will not go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa.

July 20, 2003