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Central News Agency: U.S. State Department Calls for China to Respect Freedom of Speech and Religious Freedom

July 30, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 22nd, Central News Agency journalist Liu Kunyuan sent a special dispatch from Washington, D.C regarding the parade and protest activities by thousands of Falun Gong practitioners held in Washington, D.C. U.S. State Department spokesman Mr. Richard Boucher said today that the U.S. has a clear standpoint [on this issue], which is to continuously assert pressure on China and to ask China to respect freedom of speech and religious freedom.

For four days from July 19th, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners from around the world held a series of activities to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the beginning of the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong. During these four days they held a street parade through the city, sitting protests in front of the Chinese Embassy, a candlelight vigil and concert, among other activities.

On July 22, the Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of Capitol Hill and held a public trial of Jiang Zemin. Several U.S. Senators and Representatives attended and expressed support.