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Expose the Hypocritical Mask of the Female Labor Camp of Sanshui City in Guangdong Province

July 5, 2003


Minghui published an article on June 12, named "The Disguise of Rotten Ghosts and Tears of the Crocodile C The Psychological Rape Tactics of the Female Camp of Sanshui City in Guangdong Province" (The Chinese version is available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/6/12/51934.html). We hereby would like to add more details so as to help people realize the evil therein more clearly.

Starting in July of 1999, the Female Labor Camp of Sanshui City in Guangdong Province has illegally detained 2000-3000 Dafa practitioners in total. For a long period of time, about 500-600 Falun Gong practitioners were detained there at the same time.

In the brutal and often violent brainwashing in the Male Labor Camp of Sanshui City, one practitioner was tortured until he became critically ill and was sent to the hospital. The violent brainwashing tactics of the Male Labor Camp were imported to the Female Labor Camp of Sanshui City. Around November of 2002, the Sanshui Female Labor Camp started their large-scale persecution activities.

During this period of time, the administrative section hired some people to wear yellow armbands and to hold police batons to walk around in the labor camp. In order to prevent Dafa disciples from seeing each other, it was ordered that only one cell was allowed to use the toilet at a time and if there was not enough time for all practitioners to relieve themselves, they would have to endure.

The police took determined Falun Gong practitioners individually to "teaching" buildings, hospitals, and other buildings outside which were so-called "Education Schools with Law," labor camp offices, etc. to brainwash practitioners. The means they used included sleep deprivation for several days and nights, handcuffing, torturing with electric batons, beating, cursing and not allowing practitioners to use the toilet, etc.

A few examples are cited below.

1. Ms. Yang Qiujuan was kidnapped and taken to Team No. 1. She was tortured until she lost consciousness, but they sprayed cold water on her to wake her up and continued torturing her. The head of the labor camp, Tang, also handcuffed Ms. Yang to a chair for two days and nights.

2. Ms. Hu Jing was kidnapped and taken to Team No. 3, and was forced to read materials that slandered Falun Gong. Because Ms. Hu tore the defamatory materials into pieces, team leader Gao gave orders to punish her. Staff member Zhang lifted up Ms. Hu's clothing and shocked her torso. After the electricity in the baton was depleted, they recharged it and continued shocking Ms. Hu. Staff member Lai sprayed water on Hu Jing's face several times and pressed the electric baton against her, shocking her over and over. Staff member Zhou kicked Ms. Hu and pulled her hair and slapped her.

3. Ms. Tan Meiguang was kidnapped and taken to Team No. 2 and was not allowed to sleep for 8 days and nights. Besides the torture of the policemen, policewomen also incited drug-addict prisoners to beat her. In late December of 2002, people saw a dark bruise between Ms. Tan's mouth and nose.

4. Ms. Nie Haiyan was tied up for one month for practicing Falun Gong exercises. She still continued practicing even after she was transferred to Room 106. Then, team leader Yang led some policewomen to tie her up and torture her. She was shocked often by electric batons for practicing Falun Gong exercises.

5. Ms. Fei Hong was kidnapped in Team No. 1 and used to have metal back brace strapped against her lower back due to a previous injury. The authorities purposely kicked her lower back in order to cause her unbearable suffering.

6. Ms. Zhou Aixing refused to go to the brainwashing workshop and the police shocked her with electric batons.

The labor Camp also fabricated the "Three Statements" (Note: These are statements that they force practitioners to write that say that they will give up practicing Falun Gong and defame Falun Gong). These fabricated statements were used to deceive other practitioners.

Related phone numbers:

The head of Labor Camp, Tang: 86-757-7756194 (office)
Administrative Section: 86-757-7756198, Section Chief Chen Yanhong
Supervision Section: 86-757-7756197
Supervision Section of Labor Camp Bureau in Guangdong Province: 86-20-83800065

Written on June 19, 2003